View Full Version : Hi there

au Lait
11-09-17, 20:08
Nice to meet you all. I've lurked for a bit here and today I decided I may as well join. What have I got to lose?

I've suffered from various forms of anxiety for most of my life. Mostly social anxiety, but within the past year it has taken a turn into full blown health anxiety. Things really escalated about a month ago when I had a stereotypical rabies scare (I've since learned this to be a fairly common scare for health anxiety sufferers). I don't want to get too much into the details as I don't want to trigger anyone's anxiety, but suffice it to say that the experience ended with me getting the series of post exposure rabies vaccinations. UGH! And the cat in question? Still very much alive and not rabid.

My most recent health anxiety fear is related to eating. I've developed an irrational fear of choking while eating, and this has caused me to avoid eating foods that I used to enjoy. This is a big problem for me because I love to eat.

These two recent developments are what made me realize that I really need to start making positive changes in my life. The person that I am today is not the person who I want to be.

I feel disappointed in myself on top of all of this, because about 4-5 years ago my anxiety was pretty much under control. I was doing so well, and now I've fallen so far back down the recovery ladder that I'm almost worse off than I was in the early days of my anxiety. It's so discouraging.

Anyway, this intro is long and taking a turn for the depressing. :ohms: I hope that I can help others by offering advice and encouragement. And in turn perhaps help myself.

Thank you for reading!

11-09-17, 20:13
Hiya au Lait and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

11-09-17, 22:30
Just stopping by to say hi and welcome:welcome:

au Lait
12-09-17, 05:23
Thank you both for the warm welcomes! :)

12-09-17, 06:36
Hi au lait and welcome to NMP :welcome:

We are getting more rabies threads than usual at the moment so I'm sure you will be able to help those struggling with it all (seen you helping one already on the OCD board, most tend to appear on the HA board).

Don't be too hard on yourself, although it's so natural to do so, because I think you have to dra a line under that and concentrate on the moving forward. The negativity of how we kick ourselves worse than anyone else ever could just keeps us stuck in the rut.

I'm sure you will find great support on here, I know I have. It's great that you are helping others rather than focussingon yourself, that's good for self worth & self esteem alone but it's always good to have people wanting to help others on here.

au Lait
12-09-17, 21:36
Thank you MyNameIsTerry! :) You're right, the best thing I can do now is move forward and focus on getting better, rather than dwell on the past. Good advice!