View Full Version : Pale Palms; Jumped on the Google Express

11-09-17, 20:19
Greetings Fellow HA'ers!

I'm currently in a spiral and it all started with my "pale palms".

I noticed that these last couple of days my palms have been rather pale. Yesterday I was feeling a wee bit dizzy (could've been my anxiety being played up) and as I sat on the couch leisurely scrolling through facebook, I looked at my palms and they seemed pale with the blue veins very evident. Of course! I FREAKED OUT! I worked myself into a FULL ON panic attack! And while that panic was erupting, I went down the Google rabbit hole of "What could pale palms mean?!?!?"

I forced myself out the house today and was feeling just fine and almost foolish about last night. Then, I went BACK down the rabbit hole once I looked down at my hands, again. This time I'm convinced I'm anemic and/or losing oxygen to my brain because "I must have a tumor or blood blockage/leakage or SOMETHING causing it!" I've now researched how to check the "paleness underneath your eye socket" and I'm SURE something is "VERY wrong".

I'll begin exposure therapy for my HA this week and will be meeting with my doctor on Thursday to make sure I'm in good shape to go forward with it. Any tips for calming my anxiety about these symptoms and ideas I'm putting together in my head until then?


11-09-17, 20:47
I must say that's a new one: "pale palms".

Check this link out. It is a totally free online CBT programme recommended by NMP.


So don't go pale. Go to CBT4Panic ;)

au Lait
11-09-17, 22:12
Get off the Google express at the next stop. It's the best thing you can do now and in the future while you're recovering. You're heading in the right direction as far as proceeding with therapy. For now, you already know that the cause of your feelings is anxiety. Remember that this fear and panic will pass just like it has in the past when you've had these feelings. This current fear is a temporary state and you will get through it.