View Full Version : Lymph nodes and symptoms!

12-09-17, 00:38
Back in November I had lower back pain, nausea vomiting in the morning loss of appetite and weight loss. I had an abdominal CT scan which showed nothing and a colonoscopy that only showed hemorrhoids. Eventually I started to feel better and put on weight again and had a nice summer but at the end of July boom lost appetite, lost all the weight again lower back pain that's now going around to my hip and now swollen lymph nodes in both sides of my groin. Blood work keeps coming back okay but my step dad died of lymphoma at 37. I am 30 and I'm soooo scared that I'm gonna leave my son behind. Guys I'm at my wits end and so tired of feeling awful!! :emot-crying::emot-crying::emot-crying::emot-crying:

12-09-17, 04:02
Are you saying symptoms started on July but your nodes just enlarged?

You need to give them 2 weeks to see if they go down. If not, go see a doc. I can't begin to guess what any of this could be, but try not to get ahead of yourself.

13-09-17, 00:30
Yeah I had just found them a few weeks ago. I've always dealt with anxiety but I've never felt this awful and doctors just don't seem to care.

14-09-17, 00:37
UPDATE: Going to the doc tomorrow. GI stool sample came back with salmonella and I can't think where I would have got that from but I know it shouldn't last this long!!

21-09-17, 00:44
UPDATE: Went back to the doc today and I was running a temp in the office, he said Salmonella shouldn't last this long. He took a whole lot of blood today. Checked my lymph nodes. I asked him if I needed a biopsy and he said no they are small. But he wants to run a bunch of blood tests. I am beside myself with worry!!

au Lait
21-09-17, 02:48
Everything will be ok. The doc will get to the bottom of this and find appropriate treatment. It could be something very simple and easy to treat. My friend recently found a lump in her neck near her thyroid. She thought for sure it was cancer and had it biopsied. It turned out to be a benign cyst. I know that's a different issue than what you're describing, but my point is that often times things that seem scary end up being no big deal. Stay positive. I know that's hard to do when anxiety is screaming in your ear all negative the possibilities. But you will get through this. :)

22-09-17, 20:24
Thank you!! My LDH and ESR came back normal and the doc says the lymphnodes are so small there is no use biopsing them right now. I'm so nervous feeling so bad again and still no answers and we are going on vacation for a week. I'm just going to try to relax and remember that a doc would not just let something go if he was truly concerned. 1 million things can cause so many of the same symptoms. (Trying to trick my anxiety.)