View Full Version : Do You Avoid Doing Things Because Of Your Anxiety?

10-06-07, 15:47
I was pretty much agoraphobic, I never went out of my house from I got in from work on Firday evenings until I went back to work on Monday, Now the agoraphobia has gone I still avoid situtaions, Not because I'm scared but because I've acted this way so long if just doesn't feel natural, I still sit in the house all weekend, even when I do rarely go out I don't enjoy it, I'd much rather be at home, I suppose its turned me into a loaner.

Anyone else like this?

10-06-07, 16:05
Hi Sam.

What you said about yourself is so similar to my own probs.

I have a degree of agorapbobia in that I have a 'comfort zone of about ten miles radius of the village where I live.

It is very hard to motivate yourself to go out - I literally have to force myself out of my front door- I want to stay in bed all of the time.

It seems from what you said about staying in all weekend that you might be a bit depressed, but that is only my opinion.

It is great that you can go to work, that is something I can't achieve.

Maybe if you phoned a few people at the weekend it would be a start - I have often rang the Samaritans when I was at my lowest and it really helps to have someone impartial to talk to. The No Panic help line is good too. Even chatting on msn or yahoo is more interactive than watching TV .

Anyway I hope that you find it in yourself to go out just once at the weekend, even if it is only to the nearest shop.

Email me if you like at eibhlin-0711@homail.com or add me to your msn/yahoo contacts.

I really hope thinks will improve for you soon.

Take care

Eibhlin :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

10-06-07, 16:34

Thanks for that, sent you an email.:)

10-06-07, 19:13
Sounds like you have developed a behaviour habit and can't break it. I am the same - I can't get myself to travel far even though I am physically better. I am trying NLP to help break my habits.

14-06-07, 18:18
Yes - holidays - not had more than 2 nights away from home in years.
Not got the habit - plus I love my home comforts.
Spent a weekend away in Centre Parcs last September.
Very difficult when I have to young children, who find it difficult to understand why their dads is not with them on holiday.
We try to have days out.

14-06-07, 19:31
Holidays is my thing I just cannot handle them! I really want to tho I want to see the world!

17-06-07, 03:14
Yes is the answer, i should,nt i know it does not help avoiding the things you want to do. I am just sooo tence, up now as we are off to lincoln in the morning to stay at hubby,s sisters, she is looking after our dog while we have a few days at centre parcs. Just seen the weather forcast and it is,nt going to be all that good, but i m going to enjoy this time with my family , i have to other wise i will go in sane.

19-06-07, 22:50
Yep!!! your not alone!!

deep in my heart i want to go out with my friends and have a good time. But when i do go out like you say i would rather be at home. I say this because all my symptoms i feel when im out i just try to hide them and its a lot of work i would rather just be sitting on the couch at home not having any problems...but deep down inside i do want to go out.

Im 20 years old and had to take a semester off of school because i just couldnt make it. I had to quit my job and give up many opportunties to go our with friends.....

im getting help this friday i have an appointment with a phsyc so i hope everything goes well!

hang it there! you not alone

20-06-07, 10:23
I don't have a problem with travelling as long as I've got a map if I'm somewhere unfamiliar, but my anxiety does stop me from doing some things. At work in particular, if I'm having a rocky patch I'll keep very quiet at meetings even when I've really got a good point to make because I know I won't be able to string the words into a coherent sentence (I know that sounds paranoid but it's honestly not - I get bad flight of ideas which makes it hard to communicate properly). Even when I'm not having an episode there are certain things I find it very hard to deal with (for example lots of people talking at once, narrow staircases, sitting with my back to the door) even although I might be alright otherwise. Most of these things, if I can't find a way around them I don't avoid them altogether - I just grit my teeth and force myself to keep going, even although I feel like I'm about to spiral into a screaming panic. I can see the attraction in avoidance though.