View Full Version : Urgent! Must read if you think you have MS, ALS, etc. or have weird unexplainable sym

12-09-17, 14:56
Let me start by saying this is a suggestion of the cause of your symptoms and not anything definitive, obviously diagnostics are up to your PCP. However, here we go.

My symptoms are as follows but probably not limited to (depending on what all I can remember of the 30-50 symptoms I've had in the last year alone) these, and they all have either occurred on their own or in junction with each other:

Neuro: dizzy/lightheadedness, feeling off balance, random numbness and tingling all over, fasciculations all over my body, muscle cramping and burning as if I were doing thousand pound squats all day long, issues with my right hand feeling weak and not working correctly and feeling tight, jaw tightness, headaches, head pressure, fatigue, feeling disoriented, feeling forceful or foggy brain, increased motion sickness, memory problems, stammering speech, forgetting words or what I was going to say or saying the wrong thing

Eyes/ears: ringing/buzzing in ears, ears feeling clogged or muffled hearing, sound/light sensitivity, blurred vision, flashing lights in vision, increased amount of floaters, visual ghosting

Mood: increased anxiety, depression, agitated randomly, increased panic attacks

Heart/lungs: shortness of breath at times, chest pains and heart palpitations

General: weight loss without warning, feeling malaise, symptoms come and go and change frequently sometimes getting better sometimes getting much worse, swollen lymph nodes, flu like symptoms, phantom smells

A lot of symptoms, right?

Tests and specialists I've seen in the last year:

Neuro multiple times: EMG, EEG, Brain MRI, head and neck CTA all negative and negative physical assessments

Endocrine: thyroid checked and fine

Pulmonology: cheat CT negative

Cardiologists: EKG, echo, Holter monitor all negative

PCP multiple times: BMP, CBC, Lymph node studies, Abdomen CT all negative EXCEPT FOR THIS LAST ONE AND ITS A MASSIVE ONE

POSITIVE LYME DISEASE IgG/IgM and 8/10 possible bands all reactive. I HAVE LYME DISEASE!

What I thought I had: brain tumor, ALS, MS, any and all forms of cancer, the list goes on but those are the big ones

For at least 1 year I've had ALL of these symptoms which lead doctors to probably think I was crazy but they're all so non-specific that what would you even think it was and I can tell you that ALL of those symptoms fit Lyme disease and can cause more that I luckily don't have.

I'm not saying everyone here has Lyme disease but I am saying that if you have a lot of these symptoms and no answers then it's not unreasonable to ask to be checked for Lyme. This probably applies more for people in the US, specifically the Northeast but I'm not sure about stats on where Lyme disease is big but it is up here.

I never even knew that I got bit, I never had the (what is called hallmark sign) of a bullseye rash. In fact the bite from a tick can be as small as this period right here . and only 10-20% of people get the rash anyhow.

It's very treatable and curable with oral antibiotics or IV antibiotics with further serious complications. I'm on my first week of four of oral antibiotics and I'm already feeling much better, probably in part because I have an answer. Not having and answer for your crazy symptoms and always wondering what you could have is literally maddening and disheartening when doctors stop taking you seriously and you've seen all the specialists in the world.

I hope this helps someone out there, doctors don't usually think of it and it goes untreated for a very long time until there's serious damage already done but I'm thankful that my PCP was smart enough to check and 1 year in the scheme of things is actually not bad considering people go years without a diagnosis until they're really bad off. My prayers and unlimited questions I've had for a year have finally been answered, maybe yours can be to!

12-09-17, 15:09
Wow! Your story is pretty amazing. I'm glad you caught it on time, and have an answer! :)