View Full Version : Moved house 4mths ago, Anxiety all the time.

12-09-17, 15:43
Hello everyone,

I've joined the forum as in recent days I have identified that i'm suffering from Anxiety.

I'll try to stay on topic but I can't promise anything. I need to tell you about the past 4 months for my problems to make any sense so here we go.

I have lived with my Partner for the best part of 12 years and we are very happy as a couple, so much so we finally got a house together. Now for the past 7 years I was living in her flat with her. I paid my way etc.

In May we completed on our first home together, and my first ever property which is 25 miles from where we used to live. I'm not someone with loads of friends or someone who lives local to the friends I do have. We went from a Town to a Village which is friendlier but very quiet and much darker at night.

We moved in over the first week of May which we both had off work. As with all things there are a few bumps in the road. Our kitchen back door handle broke, our french doors were draughty and our underfloor heating wasn't setup.

On the 3rd day of being at the house I used the toilet only to walk out the bathroom and to hear gushing water, the pipe which filled the toilet had come off and was spraying the mains water all over the bathroom. I went into full panic trying to hold the pipework and hosing together trying to stop the water while shouting for my partner to turn the mains off (something which we didn't know about until after this event.) Now the water is off and i'm shaking from the cold and bleeding from the sharp pipework. I know i'm physically shaken by the experience I remember at the moment thinking our new home is ruined and we now faced a huge repair. Luckily we had a small amount of water go downstairs leaving the premises intact.

Since this time I tend to feel cold all the time, convincing myself that it's the house not me. We checked at the weekend with Thermometers only to discover that the thermostats under read the temperature and when I move it to say 21c i'm actually demanding 24c well so says the thermometer.

Worst of all I wake up for no reason in the night, which I initially blamed on hot summers nights, not Anxiety attacks in my sleep, waking up hot and sweaty in the last month my head now fills with random thoughts all about different bits of the house and what could go wrong. But more often than not I wake up really hot in bed, sweating yet it's too cold outside of the duvet for my liking. i'm waking up every night between 4:30 am-5:30 am and today is the first time I managed to nod off for another 20-30 mins after waking up.

I also have a lot of trouble being in the house on my own, it is both thermally and audibly insulated making every little noise in the house far more noticeable. I find the silence crippling and it's not the lack of sound but it's the lack of hearing another human being which does it you feel completely isolated, it's not nice and to be honest the opposite to how I thought I would feel.

It has occurred to me today that the Anxiety no longer seems to be from the House, but I have picked up on house issues to express my anxiety, yet once an issue is fixed I find another issue to focus on as the reason for my anxiety because it won't subside. In other words the house is footing the blame for how I feel when in reality I think it's the following.

My journey to work is twice as long,
I'm not overly in love with the Village,
I don't love the house,
I feel very unsettled overall,
I don't like the quiet,
The dark makes me feel unsafe, (used to streetlights)

The only thing I have not considered til now is we live about 200 meters from a electricity pylon and whether this is having an effect on my mental health, anyone got any thoughts on that?

Can anyone give me any help on this? Whether you've had issues after moving? whether you got over it?what caused your Anxiety after moving?

I'm usually Mr calm and collected but since moving I'm a wreck and I fear ruining my relationship, destroying myself and being unhappy further more. Can anyone relate to my actions, same or similar.
Sorry for this being so long but without the full account I don't think anyone can truly understand my position.

While I've only been in the house for 4 months i'm already considering moving back to or near where I used to live, and I feel some guilt for wasting money (stamp duty and solicitors fees £20k) I feel it's the only way to get back on track, my Partner is being very supportive but I know it will break her heart to leave, however I think she wants the old me back more than the current me and the house.

12-09-17, 18:10
Moving how creates stress to everyone who does it your not the only 1, your partner seems ok with the house its just you . You must have looked it over before you bought it , maybe you like the comfort of your ladies flat . Whats with the electric pylon its not the x files. other people must live near it. YOU made a mistake and you are now wound up like a spring . I cannot see your lady wanting to throw away thousands to leave the house . You got to make the place your own you bought it .:shrug:

12-09-17, 18:26
Boy, you should have seen the disasters when we bought this place. We had new everything, kitchen, bathroom, heating, windows...the whole lot :( and nothing went right!
We had delays, water leaks, plaster coming off the walls and on and on.

I appreciate if you are used to the 'bright lights' ;) rural life will be hard to get used to. To me, it's heaven with the gates shut but I know not everyone thinks like me.
This is all change and us lot with anxiety hate change with a passion. It triggers, triggers, triggers. Give it a chance, let things settle, get the house straight and just live there for a while. Once your anxiety settles back down you may view it differently.

13-09-17, 09:42
So the general jist is give it even more time and see if you feel different... :/

I spoke to my partner last night and honestly said I will see the GP on Friday with her and get some therapy too in hopes of straightening myself out.

While it may not sound like a popular idea, I have pondered on the thought of moving back to our old town or some other places i'm familiar with I feel better almost immediately whether it's the cosy glow of familiarity or because I know i'm not out in the middle of no where.

While I think I can get myself straight (trying to be positive), I don't think I really want to live there anymore. From the word go, when someone asked "how's it going" ended up with me crying my eyes out saying I'm not happy anymore. Over the course of the last 4 months I've cried repeatedly out of feeling terrible, sad and unhappy, and it's really never past, sometimes i'm preoccupied to think about how i feel (watching a film, having friends over, etc.) yet every night I've woken up sweaty and restless, thinking I just want to be out of here ASAP.

As I said I told her that I will seek the help, try to make it work, but ultimately I can't continue down this road, and if we get into next year and i'm still doing this, I will have to move. She said she isn't angry with me or anything like that, only disappointed as we have completely furnished the house and we will have to go through moving all over again. Obviously not a great position, but i'm at my wits end and only since admitting to myself I want to move have I felt better, if I think about staying the feeling returns. I think deep down I know I don't want to live in a quiet, dark village with a long commute with nothing in the local area which I care for.

13-09-17, 10:02
Why the shit did you buy this house in the first place you give a long list of why you dont want to live there , Wasnt it glaringly obvious from the start. Your suppose to be with the woman you love she aint moaning. Your problem you have lived a comfortable life in your ladies flat just paying your way with a few bills . Now your in the real world your lost , man up and look after your lady the house comes second , get out and dig the garden, or take a trip to a pub , sit cuddled up with the tv. WE all have disaster stories with moving, I dont think they do therapy for house moving :wacko: but if you that stressed up ask the GP for an AD , better still chill with your lady and a glass of wine odd nights. She has given up her home for you , to be honest, you would be the same whatever house move you make :shrug:

13-09-17, 11:30
Hi LBT. Just read your post and it sounds awful. I agree with Braindead to an extent, you need to give the place a chance for yourself and your partner but it's hard when you're feeling like this. I really don't think it's the house that's the problem, the move has probably just un earthed the anxiety you already had and exacerbated it. I had a similar experience recently, we went on a family holiday, I couldn't settle and felt horribly anxious the whole time, we ended up coming home. I thought I'd feel better but I didn't, so it wasn't the holiday it was me. Hang in there and definitely go and see your GP asap. They will probably give you something to help deal with how your feeling for the short term until you are feeling more settled. :-)

14-09-17, 13:38
Hi Shazland,

Thanks for your thoughts, I do appreciate the advice of sticking it out, which i will try but I don't like the village life, as with all things you only realise after a change how much you like your life style until you change it. I will see the Dr in 2 days hopefully get my levelled out sooner rather than later. However I think deep down (atm) I just chose very badly on where I wanted to live.