View Full Version : Do you ever forget what a word means? Please asap

30-03-17, 00:37
I am not talking about mumbling or stuttering, but word misplacement or phonemic paraphasic symptoms. Examples would be like this

Saying "glass" when you meant to say "bottle".

Saying "100 percent" instead of "100 dollars"

Getting a word out wrong like..Neurodegeneration and it coming out like "neurogegeneration"

Or "elboy joint" instead of "elbow joint"

I am not sure if it is normal in general or if anxiety can cause it cause when I look it up, it is called paraphasia and is due to a stroke or neurodegenerative disease. Im only 29 years old..and yes, I have been extremely hypervigilent the past 3 days over my speech .

Also, it seems if I read relatively fast, I mess up words like... "we have committed to sustainably source" and read it like "we have committed to substantially source".

Or I might read "the cat, dog, boy, girl, and kid" and read it like "the cat, dog, boy, cat.. And then realize I said cat twice...

I read all this at about a rate of 190-200wpm..

Have you done this before? All these symptoms? Can anxiety or stress do that? Or is it neurodegeneration/paraphasia

30-03-17, 00:58
While I wouldn't consider your examples "speech issues", anxiety/stress can definitely affect memory, speech and cognitive aspects.

Positive thoughts

30-03-17, 08:48
Yes it can Sarahnadine.
I call it brain overdrive.

The brain becomes exhausted with anxiety and although you know what you want to say and are fully aware that a mistake has been made after you have said it, what come out is all mushed up.
It is a temporary situation, but it is also a time when you need to get more relaxation either in the form of sleep, or relaxing with a gentle hobby.

The fact you know you are doing it is a good sign. Don't fret that it may be permanent, because it is not. x

30-03-17, 15:22
Yes it is true. I have the same thing. Sometimes I wonder if I am going mad.
It's embarrassing sometimes especially if I am on the telephone.:doh:x

30-03-17, 19:20
Thanks for your replies and acknowledgement so far ya guys :). I also noticed last night that, as strange as this sounds, as I am dreaming, phrases or conversations that occur within the dream, are out of whack...like I called a bear a wall in my dream and the phrase "but dont understand you" instead of "you dont understand". I am not sure if this bares significance but it woke me up. All this bein/ said, I heard the part of the brain responsible for progressive nonfluent aphasia is turned off whilst sleeping. But if that were the case, why is it when I hear people sleep talking, their sentences as still in proper order? Be it...they are talking about random funny stuff, but their verbs and nouns are in grammatical order..so doesnt that mean there is likely a malfunction in my brain unrelated to anxiety?

12-09-17, 19:18
Let me give you a example..


"do you wanna play with me?"


"Withme? What is that game?...OH you meant WITH-ME, yeah, sure I will play with you"

Something like that?

I had that happen recently and afterwards it really freaked me out cause it is like, how the heck did I interpret that like such, ya know? Am I getting dementia at 29 or something?

Is this common?

---------- Post added at 18:18 ---------- Previous post was at 17:03 ----------

Anyone, please?

12-09-17, 19:27

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


13-09-17, 01:35
Words in dreams can be discounted - a lot of weirdness goes on in dreams!

Serotonin is involved in cognitive & memory functions so we can experience various problems since we are often low on the stuff which is bound to impact on the other systems it works in.

I used to be good at maths due to my job and after the relapse here I was unable to do basic deductions on a receipt, it just wouldn't come to me.

The same with trying to think of a word, name, something that happened, etc.

13-09-17, 13:30
I have replied about this problem before.
I have (sometimes) done a hand sign picture just to make someone understand what I am trying to explain or mean. It's so frustrating.