View Full Version : Blood Clot Fear

12-09-17, 20:29
As the title says, I've now got blood clot fears.

So I came back from Mexico 2 weeks ago on Thursday, and I live in England so it was just over an 8 hour flight however we were on a Thomson Dreamliner plane so there is more leg room annnd I must of got up for the toilet about 10 times and I obviously kept moving my feet!!
But I'd only been home a few hours when I stepped on a plug and the prong went through my foot. So obviously I haven't been able to walk on my foot however I have been moving my leg and I'm on crutches.

So that is why I'm scared of a blood clot. I literally started thinking on Friday like oh I've been a bit immobile and on a long flight and then suddenly my legs started to hurt. But it's BOTH my legs. They don't hurt all the time and the pain isn't bad it's just annoying because obviously I think it's something bad..There's no swelling, or redness. Writing this is actually making them hurt. I got a bath before and the pain went. I've also done the blood clot tests were you move your toes and your legs meant to hurt but literally nothing.
I'm so scared though

13-09-17, 06:52
Hi Poppyxx! I've recently had blood clots in my arm and neck as a complication from my chemotherapy. The pain and swelling was so intense it sent me to the emergency room, where I was given an ultrasound to confirm the clots and then some blood thinning injections. If you are experiencing something similar, get yourself to the doctor/hospital so they can assess you. It isn't invasive or scary and the treatment is fast acting and straightforward. If you don't have the pain and swelling, maybe you could consider that it's muscular? Either way there's nothing to worry about - just get it checked out.
Hope you feel better soon!

13-09-17, 13:01
Many people, including myself have desk jobs. I sit a lot! Never even thought about this... EVER! With respect, the chances of a blood clot from the flight are none especially since you moved around often and it was two weeks ago. You have no swelling or severe pain. No... irrational fear that doesn't warrant any attention.

Positive thoughts