View Full Version : Trying to head off a major meltdown - advice again please!

13-09-17, 01:13
I created a thread yesterday that outlines my current worries in terms of my rental situation. That is still far from being resolved; we're still working on contacting the landlord and figuring out our way forward.

About a week ago, I applied for a job with a local dog walking/dog sitting company. I have some experience with this just from family friends, and I thought it would be a fun way to make some extra money. I work full-time and I also am taking a grad class on top of this; I definitely make enough money to support myself at my full-time job, but I'm really wanting to pay off my student loans ASAP, which is why I decided to find additional revenue.

I've just been scheduled for my first two weeks and am already regretting it. There are two major things that are causing me stress:

1) It's a flex schedule, not a set schedule. So you don't know what your schedule is more than a week out, and it's not super easy to request time off either.

2) I'm afraid I've taken on too much time-wise. Between my full-time job and my class work, I also have my own dog that will be living with me AND another dog that is currently living with my parents. There are no days off with this new job - I'm scheduled every single day, even weekends, which of course makes scheduling tight and would make it nearly impossible to see my other dog. That doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is.

Part of me is just really hating myself right now because obviously the responsible thing to do is work as many hours as possible so that I can gather as much money as possible. I've also just been hired; it would be really crappy for them to have to find someone else and they seemed pretty happy to have me.

On the other hand, I'm very, very concerned that this could break me. I recently went through a different stressful rental period (moving out, finding a subleaser, etc.) and I did not handle it well. At all. I'd be adding another level of stress, less time, less sleep, etc, on top of all of that and I think it could be really, really bad.

But of course I don't KNOW that. And I must really suck to not be able to handle such a thing.

I'm also a bit concerned that my coursework and my full-time job could suffer as a result of this decision, as I'm just totally stressed and zoned out already. I can't focus on anything at all, I'm constantly trying to figure out how to sort out my life.

This is really more of a rant than anything I guess - I just needed to get it out. I don't really know who else to talk to; I was seeing a therapist but I think I missed our next meeting, I can't find the card so I don't know. I see a psychiatrist as well but think I've missed an appointment there too.