View Full Version : Hit my head..again!

13-09-17, 19:24
So cue to about two weeks or so ago,I'm sure some of you saw the post that my mom hit me in the head..I know its horrible but I will be talking to my therapist about it. Anyway,that was said and done. However just 10 minutes ago I was looking for something in the fridge to eat and came up too quickly and the kinda same spot where my mom hit me on the top of the fridge! Was kinda hard but the only reason I'm so freaked is because it was basically in the same spot. I am a very clumsy person and do hit my head a lot. It worries me so much because of my HA now.

13-09-17, 20:00
You will be okay. Just sore for a week or so. Put ice on it!