View Full Version : Kidney pain before peeing ?

14-09-17, 16:18
This started a few days ago, it's what I believe is kidney pain, it hurts in my left side and back. I only feel it before I go to pee then after I'm done it goes away. I'm freaking out thinking this could be a kidney stone because I drink a lot of deit coke and I read a while back it can cause them. Trying so hard not to google.

14-09-17, 16:20
I had a kidney stone in February and the first and only presentation of it was sudden severe pain in my lower back that moved to my abdomen. It was a terrible few hours but once it's done it's done. Honestly one of the worst parts of it for me was assuming I was suffering acute bowel cancer, as I had never heard that a stone could cause pain in the abdominal region. CT scans revealed a very small stone, 2mm. The ER gave me some Flomax to encourage urine production to pass the stone, but by the time I got home it was in my bladder and the pain was gone.

Not really something to worry about imo, but it doesn't sound like you have a kidney stone. Could just be every-day back strain.

14-09-17, 16:21
I've been drinking Diet Coke for years now and have never had a stone. Regards the kidney pain I get it sometimes but never really gave it a thought. Honestly you'll be fine

14-09-17, 16:26
Ok so I googled about utis thinking it could be that, and there worse then I thought they were. It came up with kidney pain meaning a kidney infection that needs to treated quickly or could spread. So now I'm freakin out because there is no way my mum will take me to the doctors over this. Also this afternoon I have been getting slight chills and it says that's a symptom...

14-09-17, 16:28
Ok so I googled...

:doh: Well.... I'm not one for paid reassurance but if you're that concerned, see your doctor.

Positive thoughts