View Full Version : Get professional help for your panic attacks RIGHT NOW - FREE

15-09-17, 17:46
I keep seeing people posting in the Panic forum who are bewildered by what is going on - and they are saying they don't know what to do

RIGHT NOW you can get FREE professional help specifically for panic disorder at this site


I suffered from Panic Disorder myself so I can totally relate to what you are all going through

There IS an answer - you CAN recover - but you need to take action - you won't recover by just hoping that it will all just go away.

Think of the incredible amount of time you spend dwelling on the problem - why not spend even just one hour focussing on the solution.

On the site you can watch the first 7 videos - just one hour in total which will give you a new understanding of Panic Disorder.

I urge you for your OWN sake to check it out. - What have you got to lose?? it's FREE - it's professional CBT. CBT has an incredibly high success rate with Panic Disorder.


23-09-17, 20:51

24-09-17, 09:48
Fair enough, I’ll bite. Been dealing with lots of anxiety and borderline panic. Hope whatever this is, helps.

27-09-17, 11:43

08-10-17, 23:58

10-10-17, 15:23
I'm going to try this today during my lunch break. I'm suffering badly

10-10-17, 20:14
Does this actually work, or is it just spam? I don't mean to be rude, but I see these posts everywhere, all the time, I've even received one in my inbox...

I've tried online help programmes before (though to be fair, they weren't for free) and I've not found them useful.
I hope the people taking this online course really benefit from it...

11-10-17, 01:23
Does this actually work, or is it just spam? I don't mean to be rude, but I see these posts everywhere, all the time, I've even received one in my inbox...

I've tried online help programmes before (though to be fair, they weren't for free) and I've not found them useful.
I hope the people taking this online course really benefit from it...

It's the one on the CBT board that NMP have been promoting for years. It's not a scam, NMP remove posts by the anxiety scammers that come on here.

But getting them to inboxes is something I would question. I've had PM's from Robin about his Mindfulness because he saw my interest in it due to the thread in my signature so could it be something like that? I'm sure he will respond when he's back on.

11-10-17, 13:31
Terry, I wasn't aware of this promotion by NMP that you speak of. The PM I received was almost identical to the post made by Robin, hence my wariness. I'm glad to hear it's not a scam.

11-10-17, 13:55
Terry, I wasn't aware of this promotion by NMP that you speak of. The PM I received was almost identical to the post made by Robin, hence my wariness. I'm glad to hear it's not a scam.

That's strange. Wasn't aware that Robin was sending PMs to members. Maybe it's because you're an old member on forum? You joined shortly after Nicola started NMP in 2003.

CBT programme is certainly not spam or a scam, however.

11-10-17, 17:03
Hi Ana
When I recently made the course free for everyone I read a couple of posts that I truly empathised with and thought I would reach out directly and let them know that there was a complete CBT programme free - I was wondering if people were seeing my posts or not or that NMP recommended it - and from what you say you weren't aware of the programme at all

Anyway - I felt excited to try and help - but I quickly realised that people mustn't have wanted that so I didn't send any more.

I hope you check it out :-)

11-10-17, 19:34
I watched this online and found it very helpful. It's free, and you getting a better understanding of the fight or flight and how it affects your body. I actually felt much better after watching it. Now I just need to put it into practice.

11-10-17, 19:43
Thank you for explaining, Robin. :)

18-10-17, 20:43

21-10-17, 21:42
Having just joined this forum I read about Robin's CBT website.

Hours later and I am still learning with his Workbooks.

Thank you Robin, your site really helps. :yesyes:

All the best


21-10-17, 23:37
Hi Christine - wow great news - keep us informed of your progress

That's why it's good to keep bumping these posts for any newcomers :-)

24-10-17, 02:10
Hi Robin,

The humour in your workbooks really helps to put things in perspective.

Had many a chuckle looking at the graphics.

Will let you know how I progress.

All the best


26-10-17, 11:50
I too am finding it very helpful. Have been back over and over sections that are particularly relevant to my situation.
I like the way it's set out which means it's easy to jump to the section you want and I the humour too.
I've also found the audios very useful.

Thank you so much for making it accessible, Robin and co.

26-10-17, 12:45
Robin, I am aware at how well your course works for anxiety and panic attacks, can I ask is it useful for depression?

I do have a fairly good working knowledge of CBT and try to use it on a daily basis when I catch the negative brain chatter etc but tbh it hasn't helped the overall depression.

If your course would help I am more than happy to give it a try.



26-10-17, 13:25
Robin, I am aware at how well your course works for anxiety and panic attacks, can I ask is it useful for depression?

I do have a fairly good working knowledge of CBT and try to use it on a daily basis when I catch the negative brain chatter etc but tbh it hasn't helped the overall depression.

If your course would help I am more than happy to give it a try.



I can tell you that it helped me when I was dealing with some depression after my cancer. I was in one on one therapy, downloaded the course, asked my therapist and he was all for it. Not every aspect applied but there were plenty of exercises that did. In fact, many of those exercises are useful in everyday life situations (work, relationships etc.) and I still use them to this day.

Positive thoughts

26-10-17, 15:38
Thanks for that FMP.

There is one big difference I suppose, I have suffered from pretty bad depression for 40+ years and I already use basic CBT on a daily basis, so the course might not the best way forward.

26-10-17, 15:57
Thanks for that FMP.

There is one big difference I suppose, I have suffered from pretty bad depression for 40+ years and I already use basic CBT on a daily basis, so the course might not the best way forward.

I suffer with severe depression at times and I've been finding Robin's material uplifting. Worth a try and nothing to lose.

26-10-17, 17:38
Thanks for that FMP.

There is one big difference I suppose, I have suffered from pretty bad depression for 40+ years and I already use basic CBT on a daily basis, so the course might not the best way forward.

I had to kind of adapt some of the exercises to fit. For instance, there's the worksheet where you list your fears and then the facts. So I adapted that to list a negative thought, a solution to changing it and a reward for doing so. So my negative thought was "I have no motivation to get off my ass and go outside and get some sunlight and air".. My solution was self talk "Suck it up and go for a walk you wuss!" So my walk was to go to the convenience store and my reward was to buy a treat to eat ;)

As KK said, it's certainly can't hurt!

Positive thoughts

26-10-17, 18:13
Hi Lilliput
Glad it's helping :-)

Hi Elen
With regards your question. I assume you have suffered some anxiety as well and that can lead to feelings of depression - and vice versa

so it's never a bad thing to learn more about how anxiety arises and how it is maintained

There are definitely some processes that can cross over with anxiety and depression (we can get into cycles of depression because of our added thoughts and behaviour patterns - same as with anxiety cycles)

Keep in mind that it won't take you very long at all to go through all the workbooks - there are lots of cartoons and I have kept the text to a minimum - no psychobabble

and you will come away with a lot of useful knowledge and new coping strategies

and there ARE parts of the programme that do deal with depression. You will also find the Mindfulness workbook helpful and the workbook on obsessional thinking - it;s very easy to get caught up in negative rumination and some of the techniques in the obsessional thoughts book can be applied to depressive thinking

and you may also find the therapist dialogues helpful

As others are saying - you have nothing to lose - it certainly won't do any harm and as long as you are ok to bear with the panic specific material you will be able to apply many techniques to your own difficulties

If you do go through it please let us know if you feel it is useful which will help others decide whether to read through it or not

Best of luck :-)


28-10-17, 22:18

02-11-17, 21:23

09-11-17, 00:40

16-11-17, 09:57

29-11-17, 09:45
I keep seeing people posting in the Panic forum who are bewildered by what is going on - and they are saying they don't know what to do

RIGHT NOW you can get FREE professional help specifically for panic disorder at this site


I suffered from Panic Disorder myself so I can totally relate to what you are all going through

There IS an answer - you CAN recover - but you need to take action - you won't recover by just hoping that it will all just go away.

Think of the incredible amount of time you spend dwelling on the problem - why not spend even just one hour focussing on the solution.

On the site you can watch the first 7 videos - just one hour in total which will give you a new understanding of Panic Disorder.

I urge you for your OWN sake to check it out. - What have you got to lose?? it's FREE - it's professional CBT. CBT has an incredibly high success rate with Panic Disorder.



05-12-17, 13:56
I've been working through the website and finding it helpful.
I'm having a problem though, the past couple of days I've tried to access the videos and just seeing a blank space where it should be?
Any ideas why?
Thank you

05-12-17, 15:16
I've been working through the website and finding it helpful.
I'm having a problem though, the past couple of days I've tried to access the videos and just seeing a blank space where it should be?
Any ideas why?
Thank you Hi Vicky Videos play ok, what device are you using? Possibly you may have a ad blocker on or simply switch to another browser like Chrome or Opera and depending on the speed you are getting you may have let the video load first! HTH :) ATB

05-12-17, 16:06
thanks bigboy,
I'm just on my laptop using chrome. Could be the ad blocker thing though I hadn't thought of that! Thanks for your help :D

05-12-17, 17:03
thanks bigboy,
I'm just on my laptop using chrome. Could be the ad blocker thing though I hadn't thought of that! Thanks for your help :D That's ok np:) If that doesn't work (and your OS is windows, like my computer is) use IE Browser or Edge browser if on Windows 10! Let us know if it helps ATB

06-12-17, 06:38
Hi Vicky
Keep in mind that the videos are all streaming via YouTube so you can view them all there as well

This is my channel on YouTube


08-12-17, 15:36
Thanks for that Robin.
Bigboy I didn't try your tips yet cos I was just having a browse before starting properly with the workbooks then I'll move on to the audios n vids :)

08-12-17, 16:24
Thanks for that Robin.
Bigboy I didn't try your tips yet cos I was just having a browse before starting properly with the workbooks then I'll move on to the audios n vids :) That's ok Vicky :) Good luck ATB

12-12-17, 12:43
Bumping for Charlsberg

02-01-18, 18:43
new year Bump

30-01-18, 15:30

19-03-18, 01:54

16-11-18, 19:48
Hi Robin,

I have started reading the CBT course material and although I haven't put it in practice yet, I'm going to be working hard on my panic attacks and my difficulties getting out my property.

Thank you, for providing the resource.

30-11-18, 08:34
A BIG THANK YOU [emoji5]

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