View Full Version : Soooooo SCARED:(

11-06-07, 06:50
I havent been on here for awhile, I have been doing pretty good, but back in February I noticed my lymph nodes in my groin/pelvic area were swollen, but only on the one side. I have pain in my thigh, my lower back and pelvis area. The swelling is not hard and theres no lumps there. I am extremely worried that it is my ovary and that I have ovarian cancer and I am going to die. I am also worried that maybe it is lymphoma:( This worrying is taking over me again and the more I think about it the more pain I feel. I am skinny and people are telling me it is either because Im skinny or because I have pulled a muscle although I don't remember doing anything that would cause me to pull a muscle. I have had numerous CBCS back in March and all came back normal. PLEASE help, any input would be greatly appreciated.

11-06-07, 12:06
I had a swollen lymph node on my right side, and at the time my dad told me he rememebered having the same kind of thing. It moved to the left side and was gone.

11-06-07, 12:58
Why not pop to the doctor's and get it checked out to be sure.

11-06-07, 15:44
Worrying 247 i am sorry that you are feeling like this, I know what its like as I am going through something similar, although with me I am convinced its a brain tumour. The trouble is the more you think about something the more you can feel it. You notice every little movement or feeling where as if nothing was wrong you would just ignore the little feelings you got there.

i am sure its nothing to worry about, but as advised get yourself off to the doctors, just so that they can tell you its nothing and you can stop worrying about this.
Take care x

11-06-07, 16:08
I had that when i had chicken pox , virus.

11-06-07, 17:15
My son had that and went to regular doctor and then I think because of my worry to make me feel better the doctor sent us to a specialist who said it was nothing.

11-06-07, 21:25
If you are still worried go back to your GP - that's what they are there for. I'm sure things are fine, but it sounds like you need to have your mind put at rest over this again.

11-06-07, 21:53
I have this. It comes out of the blue and sometimes lasts for months. It is always on one side too, the left.

Turns out it's hormone related! I'm not sure which hormone causes it but it can happen when you're ovulating or during pms. Why it takes such a long time to go away, I don't know. But I just quit worrying about it and it seems to go away much faster when I do that.

You're fine. I read a health book that said that a lot of people get swollen lymph nodes and the reason is never found, or harmful.


11-06-07, 22:58
Thanks everyone, I have been thinking a lot about this and I have noticed just before menstuation is when the anxiety really gets the most out of control and the pain that comes with it, so I am beginning to think it is pre menstrual syndrome. If it doesn't calm down after my menstrual cycle ends then I will go to the GP.