View Full Version : Anticipatory Anxiety - Plus Panic Disorder AND Emetophobia = hell

16-09-17, 15:35
Hi guys,

I will try to keep these short as possible (in fact I really didn't know which sub forum to even post this in!).

I would love some advice really. I have had anxiety for many years (must be around 11 years now...I am 25 years old btw). I have also always been emetophobic (fear of vomiting). Combine these two things together and you have a recipe for disaster. The panic disorder didn't actually start until around 4/5 years ago after an incident that triggered my emetophobia off (again) and ever since I have been like this.

However what really has bought my panic/anxiety attacks to the forefront was a stomach bug I got in January of this year. I vomited 3 times and though I actually was quite together during the time it happened, the after effects (mentally scarred perhaps?) has created a very panic induced year for me. I have had panic attacks that have lasted hours (I think this is called a roll over?!) and it is HELL.

To top all that, I suffer stomach issues such as IBS and reflux because of all the above, which is just awful considering the phobia. I get nauseous easily because of anxiety and it's just horrible all round.

What I am worried about is next month I am due to stay for one night in London (just a travelodge, for an event and to do some London like things...even though i live just outside of london but still lol). I saw just yesterday that there is an event that I wouldn't mind staying around for, which would mean staying for 2 nights instead of the 1. But I've mentally prepared myself for the one night, I guess I think well I'll be hope soon enough if anything bad did happen like a panic attack etc. But 2? I don't know. It's kinda ruining it all for me already yet I REALLY want to go and do these additional things, it's my brain ruining it.

I just feel so hopeless at times, I have no job (well I do cover work sometimes but not a week to week basis like others), very few friends and hardly any motivation because of these conditions. I also come across as very demanding and hard work with the little friends I do have because I basically want things my way to almost "cater for" the conditions I have i.e. not going in restaurants, not going to bars or clubs (because they make me anxious).

you can see how I feel a bit trapped lol. I have spoken to the GP lots, but hardly anything has helped so far!

16-09-17, 21:17
Wow! You joined over 4 years ago but only posted now. That was a long wait!

You say you spoke to your GP but "hardly anything has helped...." Do you mean you've tried meds and not found them helpful or just an unhelpful GP? I think you should go back and repeat how all this is impacting your life, which it clearly is. Perhaps book a double appointment so you don't feel rushed.

Try in the meantime to widen your comfort zone. I'm not saying force yourself to stay in London longer, but get to do and enjoy as much as possible.

Let us know how you get on.

16-09-17, 22:33
What's going to be worse for you....going and feeling anxious or bailing and regretting it.

I totally understand and often I can never follow my own advice but the numbing realisation that you've let anxiety prevent you from living your life is the biggest downer ever. Just do it. Pack your cases and yes, you will pack your troubles along with your clothes but you never know, they may stay in your case. But you won't know if you don't go.

---------- Post added at 22:33 ---------- Previous post was at 22:31 ----------

What's going to be worse for you....going and feeling anxious or bailing and regretting it.

I totally understand and often I can never follow my own advice but the numbing realisation that you've let anxiety prevent you from living your life is the biggest downer ever. Just do it. Pack your case and yes, you will pack your troubles along with your clothes but you never know, they may stay in your case. But you won't know if you don't go.

17-09-17, 08:08
Wow! You joined over 4 years ago but only posted now. That was a long wait!

You say you spoke to your GP but "hardly anything has helped...." Do you mean you've tried meds and not found them helpful or just an unhelpful GP? I think you should go back and repeat how all this is impacting your life, which it clearly is. Perhaps book a double appointment so you don't feel rushed.

Try in the meantime to widen your comfort zone. I'm not saying force yourself to stay in London longer, but get to do and enjoy as much as possible.

Let us know how you get on.

I've tried three different medications which did not work for me. In fact I had quite an awful experience on meds and initially wanted to be on them however because of the experience I never want to touch them again!

I have been issued diazepam at times (i.e. 6 2mg tablets a time or something). I rarely take those unless in a panic attack or something. I actually have 5 that have been in my cupboard for weeks but I am hoping to save them for when I go to London.