View Full Version : Anxiety back with a vengeance

11-06-07, 07:04
I've been trying really hard with my psychologist, going to the gym, practising relaxation exercises, but the last month or so I've found it increasingly difficult.

The weekends are worse strangely. Its like the anxiety builds all week and by the weekend I'm a complete wreck. I'm tearful, cant concentrate, knot in my stomach, cant sit still. I hate being on my own, cos then my thoughts completely spiral out of control even though I try so hard not to let them.

Last week we discovered some cracks in our house and that has just tipped me over the edge....I'm convinced we're going to be homeless and destitute, with a crumbling house. I've literally been shaking and crying all weekend. On Saturday night I actually thought I was having a heart attack because of the chest pain and I have never ever felt like that before... I've hardly eaten since last week because even though I'm hungry as soon as I take a bite I cant swallow and feel sick. I've lost half a stone since thursday (although I can afford it I dont want to feel like this).

I'm actually now thinking of going back to my GP, cos this is like torment and I cant bear it. But that will be like a huge step backwards....I havent needed medication for months and I know my psychologist will be disappointed cos he doesnt believe in meds I dont think....but this is so hard I feel like I'm going mad.

Sorry this is a long post....any advice please? Should I carry on without meds?

luv Coni XX

11-06-07, 07:45
If meds work for you, why not. Its OK for the psychologist hes not suffering

Love Joy

11-06-07, 07:51
yes i agree with joy , if the meds work then i would go back on them , you might not need them for long just 2 get u over this bad time your having at the mo . hope you start to feel better soon

love sandyxxx

11-06-07, 11:48
Hi Coni,

Sorry to hear that you're going through a terrible time at the moment. Have you tried any herbal stuff like Rescue Remedy to try and ease the symptons of anxiety. It may just give you a breather for a few hours and give you a chance to relax and gather your thoughts.

If you've lost half a stone since Thursday please be careful, I know it's hard to eat when the anxiety is bad, I suffer myself from this and I try to eat maybe some fruit to keep your sugar levels up. Just try to get a little something down you (dry toast is what I've found the best) and it'll give you 1 less thing to worry about.

If going to see your GP and going back on medication is going to help you then you do that, you're the one that knows how you feel and what'll help you.

PM me if you'd like to chat to someone :hugs:

11-06-07, 13:29
Sounds Like You Have Alot Of Stress Going On Which Causes All Your Symptoms Ya Need To Speak With Your Doc About This I Hope You Start To Feeling Better And Im Sure The House Will Get Fixed In All Due Time. Wish Ya The Best..................linda Xx

11-06-07, 23:07
Hey there, if meds help then go back on them, but don't beat yourself up over this. it sounds like you have a lot going on and when there are stressors in our life our anxiety increases. Sometimes the anxiety is lower and when it does come back we feel as though we've taken a big step backwards which is not the case. Try the meds again, if that doesn't work continue with relaxation techniques. Feel better soon.

12-06-07, 13:04
Oh Coni!

I PM'd you before I found this thread !!

Please please don't look at maybe going back on meds for a little while as a step backwards.

It would be more like a support for you so you can make another step forward ok?

I won't tell you not to worry at all about the house because that's only natural - but, as I've said, try not to allow the worry to dominate you. Put it in it's place alongside all the other normal life-concerns and by doing this you'll conserve your energy. Had a similar experience with our house and one down the road - it's all in my PM.

With regards to your eating, try light things like soup, scrambled egg etc anything that's not bulky enough to start the nausea. Let little and often be the order of the day.

Please, go to your doc and take your lead from him. Don't rule out the meds completely if he suggests going back on for a while - make them work for you and you'll have that victory ok?

This may sound silly but if you imagine all of us here as little medications, would you stop posting here because you feel you shouldn't need us?

I know that sounds incredibly daft :wacko:, but I'm just trying to think of comparible principles here so cut GG some slack eh lol :blush:?!!!!!

Speak soon love



12-06-07, 13:44
conni, If your feeling so bad then why not go on meds ?

Ive got to the point where I dont care what others think cos youve got to put yourself first, my attidtude to meds is , if it works then great go for it.

take care

14-06-07, 07:27
Thank you for the replies guys,

I went back to my GP on Monday as I couldnt bear to feel like this...I thought I was going to drive myself mad. Thankfully he was very sypathetic and has given me some propranolol. Only 10mg twice a day to start as the last time I was on this I developed an awful night time cough. I have a telephone consultation tomorrow to see about increasing the dose.

I have a day off work tomorrow and wasnt going to take it cos although I'm shattered I dont know if I want to be on my own (hubbys working 12 hours backshift)...but I confided in a friend and I'm going to meet her and go for lunch.

Thanks for the pm GG, it really reassured me....and your post did make sense...I am managing to eat a little now though still have the nausea...have lost just over half a stone (I can afford it though not a way I'd recommend).

Mirry your right of course about meds and I would say the same to anyone else....just hard to apply my own advice to me.

I'd love to learn your mindfulness techniques....I think theyd really help....I can feel the anxiety building again as we get near the weekend....I seem to allow it to get out of control so easily....and that frightens and frustrates me.

Thank you all again....will keep you posted. The surveyors are coming out to see our house next week....I feel sick at the thought.

luv Coni XX

27-10-09, 10:54
If you have been on meds (i assume some sort of benzodiazepine) then you nervous system will be damaged by them. After stopping them you will be in a worse position than when you started them. This is the crazy thing about benzos. If you use them for more than 2 weeks then they will make worse what they are actually used to treat. then it can take months if not years for your nervous system to recalabrate to "calm". Its all very well for these people to say start taking the meds again. But benzos just damage your nevous system rather than helping. valerian based products will just do the same, they are basically benzos. It is possible that you are still in withrawal (i.e. you nervous system is rebuilding natural inhibitors and just needs more time). Please check out the benzowise website. It took me two years after stopping valium before my nervous system regained a natural calm state.