View Full Version : Exercise

11-06-07, 09:21
Hiya all
I was wondering if anyone had a good way of getting fit at home.
I am agorophobic so cant really leave the house.
I have an exercise bike which i find really boring and when sitting on it very uncomfortable. :blush:
I use to really love exercise but for me its always been teamsports or swimming.
Really not sure what will work and what i will enjoy enough to keep it up.:shrug:
Any ideas would be great

11-06-07, 12:28
This might sound slightly ridiculous at first, but have you thought about one of those games for the playstation, xbox etc. with the dance mat? Might be a bit expensive to get if you've not already got a console to play it on, but my friend has one and it looks like not only great exercise but lots of fun too! Trying to beat your score and move through the levels makes you want to keep going with it as well. Just an idea!

11-06-07, 13:09
Workout DVD's

A trampette

11-06-07, 13:23
I Do Walk The Miles Away........really Good Dvd.........keeps Ya Going .......hmmmm Reminds Me I Need To Get Back To Doing That Lol.........best To Ya........linda Xx

11-06-07, 15:46
I'm agoraphobic too and so I don't go out and exercise and have to find some way of keeping fit at home.

I've done all the keep fit videos, tried a trampette, had an exercise bike. They were all okay till the novelty wore off and then I just stopped.

Last year I bought myself a treadmill. I really spent a long time debating on whether I should get one as they are quite big and also expensive, so I knew if I got one I would have to use it.

Anyway for me it's worked out very well. I have one that folds down so that I can store it away if I need to, but as I keep it in one of the spare bedrooms I tend to leave it ready to use. I have an old laptop in front of the treadmill and I usually watch a DVD while I am walking. I really would recommend one.

11-06-07, 16:41

Are you able to do some gardening at all? That will give you fresh air and exercise whilst not having to step outside your front gate.

Even if you are not a gardening fan, it might be an idea to get out there just for some wellbeing.

Take Care