View Full Version : Hi all :)

11-06-07, 09:41
Hi there,
A little bit about me.... I started having panic attacks a little over 3 years ago which developed very rapidly into severe agoraphobia. Looking back I realised that over the years I had occasionally had isolated panic attacks before but had never known what they were.
The main symptom of my agoraphobia was being unable to get into the car alone and for a year I could not drive anywhere at all, and could only undertake short journeys with my husband driving. For quite some time I was unable to leave the house at all alone and at one point could not even leave the house with my family. Over time I have managed to control this aspect to a certain extent and can now at least drive myself short distances to the shops (as long as I don't have to go on any very busy main roads) and have been able to make long distance car journeys with someone else driving. I have found that if I push myself too far though that things actually get worse for a time and go back to how they were at the worst point but I can usually pull myself out of that really bad place within a few days.
However I still have frequent spontaneous panic attacks - sometimes several in a day which can be quite distressing at times (as I'm sure everyone here understands!). My GP hasn't been too bad, although there have been times when I've felt he doesn't take me and my attacks too seriously. I've finally got him to refer me to the mental health team but have been told that it could take up to a year before I get any help from them. About 10 years ago I had a bout of depression and was given beta-blockers and anti-depressants but that was not a pleasant experience and leaves me reluctant to go down the road of medication again.
It is an embarrassing condition but my close friends and family know about it and are all really supportive and work around me most of the time :laugh: It is always good to know that you're not the only one out there though and sometimes you just need to talk to someone who actually understands what you're going through.
So that's my story so far....

11-06-07, 11:05

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxxx

11-06-07, 12:20
Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

11-06-07, 12:38
Hi welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


11-06-07, 14:15
Hi and :welcome:

That's great your family and friends are so supportive. There is lots more advice and support here which will make those bad times become less and less frequent. Looking forward to seeing you around.

Take care,

Pink Princess
11-06-07, 14:28
hi and welcome to the site, you will find a lot of good advice and support here and make many friends along the way. hope to talk soon, take kare xxxxxx

11-06-07, 15:23
Thanks for all the warm welcomes :hugs:

11-06-07, 15:32
hi grumpymoo(im sure your not really grumpy, are you?)

you sound remarkably like myself although i have had it longer and at one point in my life beta-blockers and prozac gave me a very happy 2 years(plus the idea that i was capable of having a baby with a guy id known for 3 months- thats another story).

ive also had the bad experience with meds so now i dont take them, just depend heavily on ppl which is very problematic. ive also had therapy from various sources, and im now paying to have cbt properly, with a properly trained committed therapist.

if you have the means i would not wait on nhs, in my experience(my area) you wait longer than 1 year and you dont get very many weeks.

there are links on here to find a fully qualified accredited therapist if you can afford it?

11-06-07, 15:45
Oh I am *very* grumpy, especially as I recently gave up smoking :roflmao:

I did think about going to see a cbt therapist privately, but as far as I know the nearest one to me is a good 20 minutes drive away (with no public transport alternative) which is way beyond my capabilities at the moment, and that's without trying to tackle the problem of childcare :unsure:

But I think if the NHS doesn't come up with the goods then it's going to be something I'll just have to look at it again and see if I can beg, borrow, steal, blackmail and bribe myself a way to going :laugh:

11-06-07, 16:22
Welcome Grumpymoo,
Im Sure You Will Meet Alot With Same Situation And Info Here I Wish Ya The Best...........linda X

11-06-07, 16:27
Hi Grumpymoo,

Welcome to NMP. Stopping smoking does make someone grumpy, sure did my hubby! It gets better though. You will find alot of support here and that many feel exactly like you do.

Laura :)

11-06-07, 21:29
Hello grumpymoo, :welcome:to you!

I can be a right 'grumpygranny' sometimes - so you're among friends here lol !!

Pleased to meet you!


12-06-07, 07:16
Hi Grumpymoo,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

Love the name :D

12-06-07, 09:29
Hi and welcome :)

Reading your message, i could have written it myself.

Looking back i now realise i use to get moments of panic without realising it. I've had (severe) agoraphobia for nearly 9 years (July 11th). I WAS housebound for almost 2 years. I'd recovered to the stage where i was comfortable driving to the shop alone (no more than a mile) and i could go pretty much anywhere with my mother. Sadly, i've hit a "bumpy road" and i'm not doing at all well. I've stopped driving alone, and going out on a daily basis IS a struggle (but i am still doing it!!!).

You mention CBT. I recently had an assessment (back in April) and i've been told i have an 18 month wait before i can be seen. I was devestated.

Its good to see you have alot of support around you, it make ALL the difference to have people that care and understand.

I hope you find the same with the people on this forum :)


funky chick
12-06-07, 13:03
hi and welcom Grumymoo sure you will find this site helpful and friendly hope to see you around. take care love Gail xxxxxx:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

12-06-07, 15:29
hi and a big warm welcome

love sandy xxx