View Full Version : Night-time panic attacks

11-06-07, 10:15
Over the last couple of months I've started getting really bad panic attacks when I've been trying to go to sleep - it's like when I'm about to drop off I go all dizzy the same as when I'm having a panic attack and then that makes me start having a panic attack (if that makes any sense :wacko: ) I also keep waking up some nights just as I've fallen asleep feeling like I stopped breathing and gasping for air which I suppose is also making me feel anxious about going to sleep. Unfortunately, the more tired I get, the worse these episodes are and the more reluctant I am to go to bed so it's a vicious cycle really!
If they get really bad then normally I just wake my husband up and he calms me down until it passes, but he's working away this week and I'm not sure how I'll cope on my own. Does anyone have any advice for me please?

11-06-07, 11:10
Ive started getting this the past week, I also get a sick feeling too ?

look forward to knowing why ?

11-06-07, 12:58

Take a look at these links also they may be of help.:)

Night panic
Nothing like a panic attack at 3:30 am (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2701)
Sudden nighttime attacks (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=24)
Waking Up With A Panic Attack In The Night (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5211)
Bad Morning !!!!!!!!!!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5692)
Panic attacks during sleep. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5796)
It's Back! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5769)
Waking Startled at Night (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5951)
Panic Attacks....During Sleep (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6385)
panic attack in sleep (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7118)


11-06-07, 15:11
oh thanks honeybee when ive got a bit more time im gonna read them as im also prone to this(especially when im alone in the house when husbands on nights as he is tomorrow for 4 nights!)

maybe ill save them up and read them tomorrow night, or maybe i could do with doing what i should be, and telling myself ill COPE and if i dont cope ill SURVIVE!!!!

to the others who are experiencing this when your lying awake freaking out just picture the other members who are probably doing the same!!!

no that probably wont help but im gonna give that a go aswell or im gonna come on-line and maybe see if anybody is in chat or play the games, also the good thing about the light nights is it doesnt feel like night until 10ish and then really its coming light at 4ish so we've only really got 6 hours of night to put up with and if you dont go to bed until 12 then thats only 4 hours. if you go to sleep at 4 you still get a few hours sleep!!! this is how i look at it any way, but i know ill still be worked up, but then ive got saturday to look forward to, which is a shorthish journey(long to me about 1 hr 45 mins) to stay in a hotel for 3 nights where im even more worried that ill lie awake all night!!! ive even asked my husband already whether we'll be locked in! oh and i forgot we're taking the in-laws with us incase i can't cope so they can stay there with our daughter while we come back home. oh happy days!!!


11-06-07, 15:26
Thanks Andrea - I'll read them later too!

And emma - maybe we'll bump into each other in the chat room one night this week :D

11-06-07, 15:34
yeah watch me go there and youll be snoring your head off or vice versa! he he

11-06-07, 15:55
Grumpymoo, this is exactly how I feel when having a panic attack at night. Its a vicious circle as I feel as thought if I was to have a good nights sleep I will feel much better, but I have to go to bed at least 2 hours before I want to be asleep, and the only way I can sleep is by falling asleep with the telly on, and this is just because the dark seems to make the dizziness worse and I start to panic about that. hubby has been sent to the spare room while I am having this bout of anxiety. As when he sleeps in the same bed I have the added worry of waking him up as he works hard and starts early and needs his sleep as well.

perhaps if your hubby is working away, you could have the telly on timer or radio on, just so thats its not quite.

Hope you feel better soon and manage ok while he is working away.

11-06-07, 16:01
yeah watch me go there and youll be snoring your head off or vice versa! he he
:roflmao: well I suppose we should be grateful then if one of us is actually managing to sleep! :winks:

Thanks mev - maybe I will put the radio on when I go to bed tonight and see if that helps :)

12-06-07, 09:17
yeah really wouldnt make me feel any better knowing that someone else was suffering!

how are you getting on now?

ill post tomorrow about my night ahead, and whether i can actually take my own advice!

12-06-07, 09:19
my worst is as i wake up / i always feel edgy and panicky

love joy

12-06-07, 10:10
The things i find helpful when this occurs are
a) watching tv to destract myself
b) making myself a cup of tea and writting in my diary how im feeling
c) when i get the feeling i wake up unable to breath i find raising my pillows help really well.
d) audio books are great because they destract your mind and you can easily fall asleep listning to them and they will turn off once they get to the end of the cd/cassette,
e) writting down my worries before i go to bed
d) Doing something plesent before bed. Like reading you fav magazeen or watching a happy film that makes you feel good.
Take care

13-06-07, 00:10
yeah really wouldnt make me feel any better knowing that someone else was suffering!

how are you getting on now?

ill post tomorrow about my night ahead, and whether i can actually take my own advice!

Well I looked out for you last night emma but you weren't there, and you're not here at the moment either so I'm hoping it's cos you're doing fine :D

I was very late going to bed last night as I think I was nervous and delaying things... I did get panicky but managed to keep it reasonably under control and didn't have to ring anybody at 2am which was good! It did take me a long time to get to sleep though so I've been really tired all day and I find that I'm more anxious and closer to panic when I get like that.
Of course I should be in bed now so I'm not worse again tomorrow, but once again I'm delaying (which is very naughty of me I know).
So going to clear up, make myself some hot chocolate and go to bed. Only tonight and tomorrow night to go on my own :)

07-12-07, 00:41
I just had this last night, I have had it before but it was really bad last night. That's why I found this site. I would wake up with a huge disturbing feeling like something bad was happening, or like I'd been dreaming bad things but can't remember what.. and I feel numb and tingly/light headed as though I haven't been breathing so I gasp for air.. then I try to sleep but it feels like my mind is full of panic and guilt but with no reasons. I had really bad sleep tonight tossing and turning and I was just looking up if anyone else had a similar feeling tonight. :shrug:

Sorry I just realized the dating format in the posts above are backwards, rather than MM/DD/YY it's DD/MM/YY this may be confusing to some x.x

07-12-07, 00:57
I get these periodically, something just wakes you up, you dont know what or why so you start to panic and you get all sorts of symptoms, it's frightening i think because you feel alone as everybody is asleep and it's dark! I have a laptop at the side of my bed for distraction, then i seem to drift off to sleep as the glow from the laptop seems to soothe me!

07-12-07, 08:35
I would like advice as to how to cope with the first thing in the morning As soon as I open my eyes the panic kicks in. I try the usual like deep breathing but it doesnt seem to help and certainly doesnt start the day off well
