View Full Version : Well I got a clear MRI, I'm still kind of in disbelief..

17-09-17, 22:08
Since about May, I've had a number of strange neurological symptoms primarily effecting my left side. Tingling/burning/prickling sensations in my left foot (especially), throbbing left temple, random lightheaded/dizziness, some vision issues (increased eye floaters), and random muscle aches/stiffness in my left leg.

Finally, after months of being convinced I had MS, I had an MRI done this past week with and without contrast on both my brain and c-spine. The results of this test came back normal and I can't tell you how relieved I am.

Yet here I am, still with a burning sensation in my left foot, still getting a bit light headed. I was presecribed Setraline a month ago but didn't take it as I was concerned with some of the side effects. I guess I better start it as the only thing I can hope to explain these sensations just straight up points to health anxiety. I dont know.

It's just so hard to accept that this could potentially be anxiety and that something sinister isn't in fact going on.. Maybe it's BFS? Idk. I guess this is just my new normal.

Here's a previous thread explaining things further.

If any of you have similar stories I'd love to hear them. It's so hard accepting physical symptoms as something psychosomatic

18-09-17, 02:29
I had my MRI maybe a few months ago. I was sure they would find something because I had been having dizziness for over a year, lots of eye floaters and bright spots, headaches, weird facial pressure, etc.

I wasn't always thinking MS, but I was almost sure something terrible would be found.

When the results came back, my brain and spine were clear, but it looked as though my sinuses were pretty bad. That's being dealt with now.

Anyway, the words, "unremarkable brain" were used. That part kind of makes me laugh. I guess it's good to be "unremarkable" in the medical world :)

I'm glad you're clear and I hope you can overcome the anxiety issues.

18-09-17, 10:11
All individuals with HA have trouble accepting there is nothing wrong with them. That's what HA is really. Get help from a mental health professional.

19-09-17, 00:38
I'm definitely considering it. I'm gonna try and see my GP at some point in the future to discuss options. I can't really think of anything else my symptoms may be related to other than just stress and anxiety. I abused melatonin and benadryl right before all this started in the hopes that it would help me fight some severe insomnia that I was dealing with.. I've read a few things about how these can cause issues like Restless leg syndrome which could be what I'm dealing with. I'm not sure.

Anxiety is bs.