View Full Version : Hospital maddness

18-09-17, 13:03
10 YEARS AGO i was admitted to my local mental hospital, not a unit the hospital, after an overdose the only reason i survived was i took a big swallow of brandy and pucked all the Effexor tabs up without breaking a capsule. that bought the hole house to red alert. i was blue lighted to the zoo and given a pint of charcoal drink. Now that gets every were your poo is black. the reason i overdosed is my shrink left he was a locom and chased the money, he was giving me Ativan the doc was giving my Ativan the junior docs were ,yes you got it Ativan , I was up to about 12 mg a day without each doc knowing what the crap they were doing, anyway the shrink left and i had a void of just Ativan till the new shrink started. IT was his first job and only just come into the country from Nigeria i think he got his med papers from McDonald's he was that bad. HE got out the NHS bible and decided on EFFEXOR 150mg start off ??????? then he said we are now stopping the Ativan , i said do that and you will kill my with convulsions, you nob. ANYWAY thats what he did and 2 days later i overdosed at home. i was put in a single room with my razor in my bag, great stuff for a suicidal guy.the doc came on the ward and said what are you doing hear brian???i did have an answer but i kept it shut. He gave me 10mg of valium to cover 12mg of ATIVAN?????????????? and upped my Effexor to 225mg, i spent my first few days sat in the walk in shower letting the cold water cool my burning up body i am sure there was steam, this is while the staff read the days tv magazine. there was a grass courtyard for a smoking area and i used to run around it like a Duracell bunny for hours if i stopped the anxiety would have killed me. THERE IS A LOT MORE TO THIS HORROR STORY I WILL SAVE FOR ANOTHER DAY :wacko::wacko::wacko:

18-09-17, 14:07
10 YEARS AGO i was admitted to my local mental hospital, not a unit the hospital, after an overdose the only reason i survived was i took a big swallow of brandy and pucked all the Effexor tabs up without breaking a capsule. that bought the hole house to red alert. i was blue lighted to the zoo and given a pint of charcoal drink. Now that gets every were your poo is black. the reason i overdosed is my shrink left he was a locom and chased the money, he was giving me Ativan the doc was giving my Ativan the junior docs were ,yes you got it Ativan , I was up to about 12 mg a day without each doc knowing what the crap they were doing, anyway the shrink left and i had a void of just Ativan till the new shrink started. IT was his first job and only just come into the country from Nigeria i think he got his med papers from McDonald's he was that bad. HE got out the NHS bible and decided on EFFEXOR 150mg start off ??????? then he said we are now stopping the Ativan , i said do that and you will kill my with convulsions, you nob. ANYWAY thats what he did and 2 days later i overdosed at home. i was put in a single room with my razor in my bag, great stuff for a suicidal guy.the doc came on the ward and said what are you doing hear brian???i did have an answer but i kept it shut. He gave me 10mg of valium to cover 12mg of ATIVAN?????????????? and upped my Effexor to 225mg, i spent my first few days sat in the walk in shower letting the cold water cool my burning up body i am sure there was steam, this is while the staff read the days tv magazine. there was a grass courtyard for a smoking area and i used to run around it like a Duracell bunny for hours if i stopped the anxiety would have killed me. THERE IS A LOT MORE TO THIS HORROR STORY I WILL SAVE FOR ANOTHER DAY :wacko::wacko::wacko: Hi Braindead that is a horror story beyond comprehension oh we will drug you up and leave you to it :huh: to me no care was administered to you think at the time you should have spoke out to the NHS trust about this as this practice will continue very sad really Cheers

18-09-17, 15:11
A very tough experience there, Brian. Just cutting off benzos is a ridiculous suggestion and they knew back then they had to reduce so it beggars belief.

The same with the Diazepam. As if that was going to touch the sides!

I can understand about the running around. As soon as I hit the noradrenaline dose of Duloxetine I was like that. I couldn't sit down for many hours after waking and would stand in the kitchen rocking and pacing. Waking was awful as the first couple of hours the adrenaline rushes were chest bursting and I felt like sprinting marathons. The last two days I caved in and used Diazepam when I woke, which helped.

Even years on I was getting the adrenaline rushes. I get them now but much reduced compared to the earlier years. Even a few years back I had a few occasions where it ramped up and I felt the need to fight. I felt confident, I wanted to run into a group of guys looking for it. I even did once and luckily they were young guys who didn't react even though one had been trying to impress the girls with what looked like an iron bar. I just barged through them.

I've taken cocaine in my younger years and it felt a bit like that, just without the physical feelings.

For you to go through that whilst in such a fragile state, what a nightmare.

18-09-17, 18:27
Hi Braindead that is a horror story beyond comprehension oh we will drug you up and leave you to it :huh: to me no care was administered to you think at the time you should have spoke out to the NHS trust about this as this practice will continue very sad really Cheers

You can complain but dont forget we are NUTS in there eyes. it gets worse i will resume soon .:wacko:

18-09-17, 19:31
I don't know whether you should, Brian? I had some pretty awful experiences in hospital but I'm not sure whether here is the best place to talk about this because it may trigger people? Just my opinion though.

19-09-17, 09:20
I don't know whether you should, Brian? I had some pretty awful experiences in hospital but I'm not sure whether here is the best place to talk about this because it may trigger people? Just my opinion though.

This was 10 years ago the whole hospital has since been revamped, we slept in dorms now you have your own room , its a totally different place now, they still want you out has fast has they can though. I get what you say but if people ask for the ending i will post if not then yes i will leave it at that.:wacko: