View Full Version : Supportive words please

18-09-17, 17:02
I suffer with depression and anxiety. I take citalopram 30 mg and cope. I work and try to get on with things.

My life is fairly settled and I have no real dramas.

I am about to become a grandmother for the first time. I'm terrified.
My beautiful daughter and her husband to be are living with me for a year as they are having a new property built. It was such a shock to me when they announced they are having a baby although they have been together six years or more.

Why do I feel negative even though I will love the baby with all my heart, why can't I embrace the change in my home and just crack on without worrying all the time. This is surely a good thing. My daughter and her fiancé are ecstatic and can't wait.

I have had minor surgery a few weeks ago and feel a bit low as a result and have to see the consultant again tomorrow for a follow up appointment.

I don't want to get up in the mornings and force myself to get up and find it hard to motivate myself. I have no appetite and worry all the time.

18-09-17, 17:14
Hiya Losethecloud and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

19-09-17, 02:10
I think it's ok to feel down after surgery. Those are some huge new changes in your life: Surgery, a new baby and new people in the home. If you're already depressed and anxious then it's natural to feel negative.

How long have you been on the medication? It's normal for emotions to be a little blurred at first so it could be a temporary side effect.

Are you able to talk to your daughter about your worries? If not have you tried talking to the Samaritans or Mind?

Go easy on yourself and continue to chat on these boards. (I'm new here but have been lurking for a while and these boards are very supportive).

I hope you start to feel better soon ♥