View Full Version : Heart worries

18-09-17, 17:13
Hi everyone,
For the past few weeks on and off I have been suffering with chest pain that is either on the left side or in the centre along with jaw and arm pain and lots of burping,this mainly happens on an evening and it's very scary but i rode it out last night and didn't call an ambulance even though I really wanted to.

I spoke to my gp on the phone this morning and she thinks it's all gastro related but I don't understand how she knows it's not my heart when she didn't even think I needed an appointment ( it says on my records I have health anxiety so that probably doesn't help) I went to a+e last year with chest pain on the right side and they did a quick ecg which was normal.

Does anyone else suffer with these symptoms? I've also noticed when I have these episodes on an evening I go into a cold sweat and feel like my heart is going to pack in :weep: I'm 31 so I'm hoping I have age on my side but would love to hear from anyone who goes through this too.

Thanks for reading.

18-09-17, 18:23
It honestly does sound like indigestion or reflux, especially if you have to burp. Is this pain similar to the pain you felt last year? How's your diet? There's a lot that could be contributing to this but it doesn't have to be a deadly heart problem. If nothing out of the ordinary was found last year, and you're still young, I think you're gonna be ok!

18-09-17, 18:36
Thanks for your reply. The pain last year was mainly in the right side of my chest this time it's left and central. I'd say I generally eat well. I'm so tempted to go to a+e I'm getting myself into a real panic. Hate living like this :weep:

18-09-17, 18:44
Have you tried taking over the counter acid/gas reducers, like TUMS or Alka Seltzer? It's the top brands we have here in the US, but not sure where you're located. Do you find that the pain comes after you eat? Feels better when you burp? These can all be symptoms of acid reflux or GERD.

18-09-17, 18:49
I've been taking ranitidine and gaviscon which help slightly but the chest pain doesn't go away completely. I have a feeling of impending doom which makes me think I could be having panic attacks too as they're always worse at night. I really appreciate your response, I know so many people suffer health anxiety but I feel so alone and I'm driving my family mad. I fixate onto something then when I've been reassured by having tests I move onto something else. I feel like a heart attack is going to happen and can't shift the thought.

18-09-17, 19:01
You're definitely not alone Amy! All of us on this subforum completely 100% understand that awful feeling of feeling trapped in a thought you can't shake off. I was just at the a+e last month for feeling faint, having chest tightness, and a racing heart. I was also sick with a flu but having constant panic attacks on top of my illness made things worse and I had to rush in and go. Doctors said I was completely fine, and they generally don't worry about heart issues in young women like us, it's just so rare! I am only 27. Yes, feelings of doom and dread are definitely your panic, and your brain trying to protect you because it thinks something is going on.

Do you have something to distract you like an adult coloring book? Or maybe some soft music? It would be interesting for you to try relaxing techniques including breathing exercises and seeing if that makes the pain go away. Also, could it be that you pulled a chest muscle or something? Is the pain sharp like a knife or deep like muscle tissue?

18-09-17, 19:29
Distraction sounds like a good idea I will try the colouring. My partner has just talked me out of going to a&e so I will listen to him like he said if the gp I spoke to on the phone thought for a second it was my heart she would of sent me straight to hospital so I need to keep reminding myself of that. The chest pain feels like a deep ache that moves to different parts of my chest. Have you tried CBT or medication etc? I'm going to have to try something as I'm wasting my life worrying 24/7 that I'm going to leave my kids without a mum instead of enjoying every day.

18-09-17, 20:21
It's good you have someone to stop you in a way. My husband does the same thing to me too. Of course, he would take me if it was a serious emergency, but by now he knows my health anxiety and panic attacks too well. I am actually in the process of contacting CBT therapists through my insurance and signing up for therapy. I've honestly put it off way too long and now feel like I've lost precious years and moments of my life because I didn't seek help sooner. No, I'm not on medication. I rely on CBD oil, light yoga, and breathing exercises to calm me down. I also have a lot of CBT workbooks I work on when times are tough.

Hang in there girl! You got this.