View Full Version : Fear of eating due to gastro anxiety

Kitty Kitty
18-09-17, 19:49
I have had health anxiety most of my life.

A month ago I had a bout of nocturnal diarrhea, but it was more I woke up in the middle of the night with a feeling of anxiety, a faster-than-normal heart rate (not unusual for me in the night because that's when my anxiety tends to creep out - waking me from sleep), and slightly chilly, also not unusual for me with an anxiety attack. A few minutes later, I ended up with diarrhea. I dozed but each time I woke up I had diarrhea. I went maybe 5-6 times (with the three being during the morning. I thought it was withdrawal from Klonopin. I watched what I ate for a couple of days and things went back to normal. I had thought also it might have been something I ate. Lots of fiber the two days prior and eating at restaurants.

Flash forward just under three weeks later. Same thing happened. I had eaten at restaurants that day and the day before. This time, though, I didn't feel well and had a slight headache for two days after. Of course, I made the mistake of googling and saw all the awful things connected with nocturnal diarrhea. Now, I'm afraid to sleep and, worse, afraid to eat because it might happen again. So, now I'm constipated from the bland diet I've been eating and I have lost weight and am worried about that. I have an appointment with my therapist next week.

Food anxiety started when I was about 4, according to my mother. I thought I had a stomach bug and thought it was an actual bug so any time I have something off with my digestion, I stop eating or drastically reduce it. It's irrational but I don't know what to do about it. I love food and I do have an appetite - just afraid to eat much. Anyone had this issue?

19-09-17, 14:22
I do the same thing, if I think I could be sick I reduce my food by a lot, eat very bland and get very very anxious.

au Lait
19-09-17, 20:58
A couple of weeks ago I started to have trouble eating due to anxiety as well. It sucks. I have diarrhea at least every other week. It's to the point where I don't even worry about it anymore. I've been to the dr about it and she ran a bunch of tests which all came back as normal.

GI issues such as nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting are all very common with anxiety disorders. I try to push myself to eat whatever I want now and try not to worry about my stomach. If it's going to be upset it's going to be upset. I don't want to miss out on enjoying simple things like food because of my anxiety.

Clydesdale Epona
20-09-17, 19:44
I had the exact same thing after i had the norovirus, i had to just off slow and work my way up. it could be worthwhile seeing if you have IBS D as that is common with anxiety x

All the best :hugs:

Kitty Kitty
20-09-17, 20:10
Thank you all for responding and for your support. I have had diarrhea after eating before, but never have I woken in the night. I didn't know if it was withdrawal effects from Klonopin (low dose), a virus (no fever and no pain), or anxiety, or if after googling nocturnal diarrhea, something scary. I think it is the "nocturnal" thing that has gotten me all upset. I have sleep issues anyway, so now it's become afraid to sleep, afraid to eat much! Good grief!