View Full Version : sick in the night (every night)

11-06-07, 11:23
Hi everyone , Im off to my doctors in 10 mins time.

for the past 8 days I keep waking in the night and being sick , I can be in a deep sleep then wake and be sick or feel really sickly.
I thought it maybe the citlopram I stopped taking 9 days ago but its still happening ? Really getting worried about it, I sometimes feel sick in the day but worse at night.

what could this be ?

11-06-07, 11:34
I hope it goes well at the doctors and they can put your mind at rest.
I know that stress and anxiety can cause a lot of symptoms. I suffering severe anxiety at the moment and I feel sick pretty much constantly. xx

11-06-07, 12:10
Let us know how you get on hun! :hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

11-06-07, 13:32
Im Sorry Ya Feeling So Sick Mirry, Hope The Doc Can Help You Out Hun Hang In There Maybe Its The Meds Ya Came Off Of Takes Sometime To Get Out Of System......best To Ya ......linda

11-06-07, 14:00
Thanks Linda , Piglet and Mev :hugs: (hey Mev I live very close to you - in Portchester :yesyes: ).


Doctor wants me to do a pregnancy test for the sickness:ohmy: (lol)
and also said it could maybe still be the citlopram in my system 9 days after stopping it ! (only took 4 pills), but Im sure Im not pregnant,
he gave me some new pills "seroxat" to try but Im not sure If I want them , he just gave me the prescription:shrug: .

Im not doing a pregnancy test cos it costs £7 for the cheapest test :ohmy: and I feel Im not pregnant anyhow:wacko: .

Forgot I ORDERED SOME RELORA herbal pills to try, so will give them a go first whilst Im waiting to see (naturally) if Im pregnant or not.

Also got to have a thyroid test done.

Basically no answers as usual

11-06-07, 14:17

Piglet :flowers:

11-06-07, 15:18
Oh Mirry sorry you never ot any firm answers, I have a feeling thats what I will be like when I come back from the doctors tomorrow.

I had a reaction to st Johns Wort which made me dizzy, I have only taken a few days and it stayed in my system for a while afterwards.

If you Throid test comes back negative, it might be worth asking for another one in a few months as it runs in my family and usually doesn't get picked up on the first test.

I took citalopram when I had pnd (I have a feeling i will be back on it again tomorrow) and for a few weeks I had horrid side effects, but stuck with them and they did help me a lot.

You know where I am in you want to PM me.

Take care

11-06-07, 15:49
thanks lolly x

Mev, I had a thyroid test done 2 years ago , so am doing it again but I dont ever expect answers cos Im so used to getting none (if that makes sence ?)

Ive just had my mother in law on the phone hoping Im preganant , so I said sorry to dissapoint you but theres not much chance of that ! I cant look after myself, never mind a baby,lol.

Its good the citlopram worked for you, how long did you take it for.?

11-06-07, 18:14
I was on citalopram for about 3 years in total, the trouble was that it made me feel so good that I thought that I could cope without it and kept coming off it and then sliding back down again, I then took it constantly for about 12 months and then very slowly weaned myself off them.

12-06-07, 16:56
Hi I have come of cymbalta for various reasons. During the withdrawal I have been physically sick about 10 times. Not something I have experienced before. I took my last one after a much too short withdrawal 2 weeks ago and I am still being sick but it has died down now. So hopefully yours will too