View Full Version : Hi, i am new to health anxiety

19-09-17, 11:35
I'm a 31 year Female with no previous health issues or anxiety. My anxiety all started back in May, I got a bladder infection, nothing too bad about that as I've had one or two before, a trip to the doctor and antibiotics for 5 days I thought all was ok, now 5 months later and 8 lots of antibiotics later and suspected kidney infection they think I'm finally over the uti, but my anxiety is in overdrive, any niggle or pain makes me panic, thinking is my infection back or what is wrong with me now, it must be something serious.

Part way through my last lot of antibiotics I started getting ear pain and now have tinnitus. It is very distressing as I have never had it before, I have trouble sleeping and if I do sleep and wake up I often can't get back to sleep, During the same week I started suffering from severe joint pain starting in a couple of areas which now seems to have spread to most of my joints.

I've had a couple blood tests ( all normal) and I am waiting for further blood tests to be done, the doctors don't really know what's going on. There are many days when I constantly feel like crying, I'm signed off of work, I'm worried my relationship is beginning to suffer. I sometimes go to bed worrying that I may not wake up in the morning but also sometimes wishing that I could go to sleep and wake up 6 months later back to my normal self. I'm scared to take any medication because I'm so worried that it will make my tinnitus worse and the painkillers can also cause uti's(1in10). I often think that there must be something seriously wrong with me.

I've spoken to my doctor about my anxiety but they almost seem to ignore it, same with the tinnitus which Is having quite an effect on my mental state. I've spent the last few weeks reading posts on here and some things have really helped but I often find myself going one step forward and two back. I'm hoping talking about it here will help me work through it.

19-09-17, 11:51
Hiya Lasani and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

20-09-17, 11:53
Thank you, I will take a look