View Full Version : Experience of panic atttacks but freaking out again

19-09-17, 12:17
Well I'm back again

Been having the odd days of feeling fed up down, bit short tempered.

So now it's come to a head:scared15:
I should be used to the symptoms with over 35 years off them on and off but yet I stilll can't get a grip with them and get hem under control.
I go to bed thinking will I sleep(which I have been doing) but wake up early 6/7am soon as I sit up I'm heaving this morning. This immediately tells me to do my breathing. I can't drink coffee now this morning my stomach churning thinking about it
Food is another thing I'm finding hard to want, I'm hungry but the thought:weep:
Only things I've managed is weetabix, rice pudding,toast. And not much of that.

I've rang doc to see if he can get me back in crisis team, he says NO I have to be referred to healthy minds for them to triage me, then have a meeting to discuss it. He just upped my diazepam to 5mg and never even asked to see me again!! This is irresponsible to dish of D's and no follow up
I'm really distressed that you just can't , when been with the crisis team refer yourself in time of need back to them.
The only way in is A&E or wait for triage to ring, then wait for appointment.

So I'm at a loss, I don't really know what I want! Somebody to make me right
But it's up to me and I feel I havnt the energy. If I do things to take my mind offf it, I feel I'm running away and I should just go with the feeling till the subside. The cold shivers and shakes are the worse, I can't get them under control.
My minds says should I be doing this or that!, you read one book and it tells you to do one thing, then another tellls you different.

Anyone else feeling as I do? How do you cope

thanks for reading,

20-09-17, 19:08
Hi there,

I noticed no one had replied so I felt it my duty as a long time sufferer of anxiety and panic attacks to reply :) Some background info: I've had panic attacks and anxiety since I was 19 years old, and now I'm 33. A long time too, but not quite so long as you.

I went through a period of 4-5 years with hardly any panic attacks at all. When I felt them coming, all I had to do was drink a glass of water and smoke a cigarette and I was good to go. Recently, (few months ago) this stopped and the panic attacks came back with a vengeance. So, I know EXACTLY how you feel.

It seems that long term sufferers, like ourselves, just can't find that miracle answer to make these annoying bodily symptoms go away. I've tried everything - changing my diet, taking my medication at different times, exercising, breathing, being more open about my "feelings." Thus far, nothing has really made them go away. Now some days, I can go a whole week, or even two, without a panic attack. Other days, I get them every day and they all vary in intensity.

I went to my doctor as well, one of them wanted to switch my medication from sertraline to buspar. Has anyone looked at the chemical reaction those two drugs have with one another? Very moderate reaction, so I couldn't figure out why this doctor, who spent most of their life in med school, would prescribe a drug that has a moderate to severe reaction with the drug I've been on for 13 years.

Saw another doctor only to be told that they would increase the sertraline. Seriously, where do they find these doctors? 100 mg is the highest sertraline goes to. When I told her this she told me to maybe try getting off the medication and see what my base line is. I thought, ok, why not? I haven't not taken meds for 13 years, who the hell knows who I am at this point !! She reduced my medication to 75 mg. When I did some research about coming off of these pills, she had no clue and said most of her patients never feel any withdrawal effects. Scratch that. I'll just take the 100 mg because MAYBE in some way it is working, but it isn't keeping the panic attacks at bay.

So yeah, I totally understand where you're coming from. It sucks to have to deal with this AGAIN and especially at a time in my life where I actually feel happy. Now I feel like I can't enjoy that because of these panic attacks.