View Full Version : How I regained control

19-09-17, 17:21
Hey guys, this is my first big post so bare with me...

I've recently made a major breakthrough with my Health anxiety and feel it is something I should share on here in the hope that it helps others.

My anxiety started very gradually, little things at first that bothered me which I soon became fixated on. These concerns grew stronger until I was unable to shake it. I was worried about having a life threatening allergic reaction to every day foods and products. Like many, I turned to google. This was my first crucial mistake. Reading through all of the stories online, advice pages and people's own experiences sent me into a downward spiral. Before long I couldn't eat anything but plain foods that I had cooked myself, shopping took hours due to reading every label on every item to make sure there were no high risk items in the house. My anxiety even played a part in my wedding day - I worried I would be allergic to the products the hairdresser used or my makeup, I couldn't eat anything during the day or back at the hotel. The impact that my anxiety had on my wedding day -the happiest day of my life- is what pushed me to take control.

I work as a nurse in a busy hospital, I know the things I would suggest to patients with anxiety, yet I had never tried them myself. Instead I turned to google. I can't stress enough how bad of an idea this is. Even as a medical professional myself the urge was there. I knew the things I was reading weren't the total truth or applicable to everybody - yet the words resonated in my mind.

The first thing to go was google. I then downloaded some apps on my mobile phone to document my periods of anxiety (a pen and paper could work just as well but mobile phone is always at hand) I made sure to include how I felt, what I believed caused it and how anxious I was. Then I challenged myself. What else could be giving me these feelings? For me tingling lips and a rash. Both signs of anaphylaxis...both signs of anxiety and a multitude of other things. Challenging my belief is initially what helped me so much. Giving me time to digest my thoughts and feelings and to rationalise them somewhat stopping the panic before it takes hold. I also made note of what cognitive distortions were going on such as catastrophising, jumping to conclusions and all or nothing thinking.

I continued with this diary for some time before turning to more formal therapy. Physically sitting with someone and talking about my concerns has really helped and I feel no shame in admitting the fact. I continue with my diary as and when needed (though not needed as much as before) and meet weekly to discuss progress. I challenge myself weekly with exposure to things that trigger my anxiety...such as eating without reading the labels or eating alone. Progress may be slow but any progress is a step towards something positive!

I am no longer a prisoner in my own home or my life in general, I am able to eat with my husband and enjoy our time together and actually relax for once!

The road ahead may be challenging, but the rewards are so worth it! I may relapse and need further support but I am so proud of where I am today and how far I have came. Unless we take steps to change, we will never break the cycle.

Sorry that this was so long and perhaps boring to some, though I hope that it helps at least someone! :)

Catherine S
19-09-17, 18:10
Well done that girl :D and your success story is far from boring, it's a great testiment to your strength and determination to get your life back on track. Life will always have some anxieties in it and that's completely normal, it's how we react to them that's the key.

I hope your advice will reach out to others here, because constant daily reassurance is only ever a quick fix...people need to be actively doing something to help themselves to get long term benefit from HA.

Thanks for sharing your success :yesyes:

Cath S x

19-09-17, 18:39
Ah thank you! It's been an up hill struggle and at times felt like I was going in circles but in a much better place now!

Hopefully the post helps others in some way :)

19-09-17, 19:04
As someone going threw major relapse at moment wanted to thank you for your post as it gives me hope one day I might be able to do a post like yours

Well done to you :)