View Full Version : Out of this world panic atack on a plane

20-09-17, 03:16
My own HA has been out of control for past 2 months and today found out that my father will soon pass away ( he lives in EU Im in US) ... total and complete Shock. For the past week I have been dealing with all sorts of face sensations - tingeling, numbing, electric like zaps, feeling like a piece of hair is on my face but really is not etc - that i thought were related to sinus infection, tmj, or the facial nerve ( of course not before ms and other horrible things). Hopped on a plane to make the 17h flight and while I seat there by the window a head rush, numbing pressure came over me and out of nowhere I had what I can only discribe as a fire ball explosion in the middle of my chest immediately followed by same fire burning in both legs and arms. I freaked out though I kinda knew what it was. The sensations subsided some but parts of it lingered for hours. Then my mind started to play tricks on me: omg I'm stuck on this plane for hours and cant get out for help if this doesn't stop etc. Seating here with pins and needles all over my body but feeling better. I can't imagine a worst place to have a panic atack then on a long Flight.

20-09-17, 04:14
I hope you are feeling better now! Try to sip ice cold water then listen to soothing music and try to sleep, it's all the stress and shock that is coming out its normal but I agree cooped up on a plane is not an ideal situation for panic attack.. But saying that just looking out the window at the clouds is therapeutic and can help calm your nerves down . Hugs

20-09-17, 06:00
Thank you for the kind words. I was on the verge of having another one a few hours after but managed to contain it ��