View Full Version : Panic GAD OCD depression?

20-09-17, 11:32

I in the middle of a really difficult phase. I was already feeling anxious and emotional and then I went away last weekend abroad and flying and being away from home has really hit me for six - whilst away o was having lots of instructive thoughts and feeling very panicked most of the time. I'm home now and am really afraid I am going to have a nervous breakdown as a result of the acute stress (this has happened before). I don't know if this is my anxiety taking or common sense. I've been the gp and have sertraline and beta blockers but unsure whether to take them. I'm seeing a counsellor later too.
I am doing my deep breathing and relaxTion but not getting much let up in my symptoms. I'm hoping I will feel a bit better in a few days after I have had more time to recover from being away. Does anyone have any advice for what I can do that I'm not already doing? I'm just really scared I'm going to have another breakdown and I don't want to go there again!

---------- Post added at 10:32 ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 ----------

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20-09-17, 15:53
Hey there ! I noticed that no one had responded yet so I figured I would. I suffer with panic disorder and general anxiety disorder. I was diagnosed when I was 19, I'm 33 now, so a very long time to have this ! I think you're just feeling stress from going away on a trip and probably some jet lag to boot. I find that when my routine is messed up or changed in any way, I too experience some stress which manifests itself into anxiety and panic attacks.

I believe you will feel better soon. Keep up with the breathing and relaxation. I've found that this helps me tremendously, even if I don't feel 100% better - I still feel better. I'm on medication, sertraline, 100 mg, and have been for over 13 years. My anxiety symptoms subsided for a period of about 4 years, only to come back with a vengeance. I recently went to a cardiologist and the doctor prescribed a beta blocker for me as well. I personally chose not to take the medication because I'm already on the sertraline. Also, he told me there wasn't anything wrong with my heart so I felt no need to take the beta blocker, although that's not to say that it wouldn't help me. I just never filled the prescription because I try to not take a lot of meds if I can help it.

When you say break down, do you mean the horrible cycle of panic attacks and anxiety ? It's important to try to get out of that cycle - even if you don't feel up to it. You can do this by breathing and just reminding yourself that there's nothing to fear and that some people are just more sensitive to stimuli and our environments than others. I hope this helps.

20-09-17, 16:26
Thank you for replying!
Saw my counsellor today and she thinks I'm suffering from emotional exhaustion - I've been working through a lot of stuff in nearly which has raised my anxiety levels and the trip away seems to have sent me over the edge.
In terms of breakdown I'm worried I will stop being able to function and do daily tasks and look after my daughter and worried I will feel so low and the anxiety won't stop. The panic has been with me a week now (started before my trip). I got some diazepam today - it's making me a bit sleepy but not much calmer

20-09-17, 18:57
I understand. I have two 4 year old twins and am a single mother. Whenever a panic attack subsides, I really start to feel like I need to keep it together, for their sakes. To be honest, in experiencing this roller coaster ride for the past 13 years, it hasn't changed me as a person. I'm still the same person, just more knowledgeable about the attacks and anxiety in general. I used to think I was going to have a break down too, but it never happened and I just continued on with my life. I believe you'll be okay. Anxiety makes our biggest fears seem like they are alive, but at the end of the day, that's all they are, just fears.

20-09-17, 20:18
Thanks. It feels pretty bad at the Moment so I hope I get some relief soon. My husband is worried and that makes me feel more
Anxious! What strategies help you the most?