View Full Version : Heartburn /chest pain

20-09-17, 16:29
Me AGAIN. So I had another panic attack yesterday I was driving along all happy not a care in the world or so I thought! I had a weird muscle spasm on the right kinda on my collarbone. swerved and had a panic that continued for a few hours of panic. Woke up this morning with what I can only imagine feels like heart burn? I've never experienced it before I don't think apart from one hangover when I was burping all day and had a burny throat... it's been on and off all day a burning feeling, muscles spasms, around the collarbone area again, sometimes even in the jaw it feels slightly weird and burning sensation in my ear. This has been all day I had another mini panic around lunch about it managed to regain strength and now it's burning and spasms weird again! Could this be heart related? Could these 2 days of pain be a warning that my hearts gunna have an attack? I'm so scared please please would someone give me some advice . And I'm just assuming this is heartburn as I've never had this feeling.

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20-09-17, 16:42
**sending you internet hugs**

Honestly, if you're having to burp and feel any burning it's most likely indigestion or/and heartburn. I have GERD and Acid Reflux, and I also have a lot of HA around my heart- so my symptoms take me overboard and send me into a panic frenzy. I too feel the jaw pain, back pain, chest tightness, and shortness of breath that can come from having too much gas, or reflux or heartburn. It shows itself in a lot of sneaky ways! I once read somewhere that people report feeling arm and shoulder pain from GERD too! It's crazy!