View Full Version : Fed up!!!

20-09-17, 17:56
Well to say I'm stressed is putting it lightly.

I not long ago lost my job so we are running a house and a car as well as raising two children on just my husbands wage, we are barely making it through each week 2 days after his wages come in, they are all gone again.

I'm feeling so stressed and so warm out, my anxiety is so high and I'm so drained, my husband is working super hard to keep up afloat and the once laid back man he was is also full of stress and frustration as we are just struggling so bad financially.

I've been emailing my cvs out and applying for jobs that I don't even have experience in just so I can get something and I'm not hearing anything in general back.

I feel sorry for our children as we can't afford to do anything, I feel sorry for my husband working so hard and getting nothing to enjoy, my anxiety and depression is so bad that I get panic attacks picking our children up from school and even just the thought of leaving the house makes me more anxious.

I keep going dizzy and having heart palpitations.

I'm just annoyed that we were once a care free with money family who could do what we want when we want and have what we wanted when we wanted and now we can't even afford treats on the food shop which we can barely afford after bills

I can't sleep at night I fall asleep around 4am and wake up at 6:30am and feel like I'm running on empty, I feel drained and so run down everyday and I spend my days moping around the house and applying for jobs that innever get a call back for.

20-09-17, 18:25
I'm so sorry you're going through this. I wish i could say or do something to make things better for you. All i can say is that you're not alone - I'm in a very similar situation to you. I don't work and my husband had a nervous breakdown about 6 months ago and he's been out of work since. So we have no income at the moment. As you can imagine we also struggle to pay the mortgage, pay the bills and put food on the table. We have 2 kids and it breaks my heart that we never have money for anything. It's my daughter's 10th birthday in a few weeks and i'm in such a panic over it. No money for anything.
I too was applying for jobs that i knew I wouldn't get, and it's demoralizing when you don't even get a response.
I just keep telling myself that things will get better. I have to - it's the only way I can try to get through this nightmare.
Try to distract yourself as much as you can. Go for a walk, read a book, listen to music - whatever gives you a little bit of pleasure. I know it won't solve your current problems but it's the little things that do make a difference.
And as somebody said before, it's not about the money you spend on your children, it's about the quality time and the simple little things that you do with them (play with them, watch a dvd etc). These are the things your children will remember in years to come, not the fancy clothes they wore or the constant treats they got.
Try to stay positive anyway. You will have your bad moments, but just accept them and wait for them to pass.

Sending you hugs :hugs: