View Full Version : Do you ever forget things you usually don't?

20-09-17, 19:36
Yesterday I was at work and I work at the register usually and there was a regular who comes all the time, I know this persons name and always go "hey john how you doing" but for the life of me, I couldn't remember his name when he first came to the register, I knew him, and I kept going through J names in my head like jake, jared, etc...till I was like ...OH JOHN! (duh). Today I also was trying to explain something to someone about Leonardo DiCaprio and I forgot his name for a minute or two then it registered.

Is this some form of dementia or is this exact sort of situation rather common. I am 29 years old and as far as I know, don't have any family history of dementia.

Does anyone ever experience this??

20-09-17, 19:40
They're called "brain farts" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bceCDG0lXk). Totally normal...

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
20-09-17, 19:53
Sorry, what was your name again? :wacko:

Cath :D

20-09-17, 21:35
Yep, and the more anxious I am the more I forget.

Also, the busier I am the more random stuff I forget.