View Full Version : Ultra sound of lymph node dr wants FNA

20-09-17, 20:33
So I had an ultrasound onmy neck and clavicles, the biggest node is 11mm so just over a centimeter and the dr wants to do an FNA on it... I was so upset .. the node is above my left collar bone/ base of neck. He said he's not worried go have babies ( bc we want kids) I'm however terrified. I asked if he could just remove it for an excision biopsy and he said he didn't want to bc I'm 30 and he sees no need.. anyways I feel sick waiting to have this done

20-09-17, 20:57
You've been concerned for several years about this. I have to imagine it's been poked and prodded a bit too ;) Your doctor is practicing "CYA" (cover your arse) medicine. If he blew you off, you'd be doubting anyway so have it done and be over with it.

Remember... Cancer in an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

If this were sinister, you're be very ill or not with us by now. Let us know how you make out!

Positive thoughts

21-09-17, 02:29
I get that to an extent but why new ones? The left one is in the worse and most cancerous pet on the body it's just frustrating one came up there

21-09-17, 05:26
There's a saying among survivors. A mantra of sorts...

"It's not cancer until they say it is".

Positive thoughts

21-09-17, 08:34
My twin sister (we're 24) had a scare with a suspicious lymph node. We were convinced it was cancer as it was large (4-5cm) and had suspicious features like weird coating around the node (+ she had typical symptoms like night sweats, itching etc.). She did a FNA biopsy that included two samples and it came back negative. I can't remember what it ended up being, I'm pretty sure it was an infection

I've had 2 nodes in my neck for almost 6 yrs that go up and down, they're around 0.5cm to 1cm