View Full Version : Leukemia fears

20-09-17, 20:34
Hi everyone,

Last 2 weeks has been stressful as I have had a constant fear that I have leukemia. It all started when I noticed new tiny red dots on my skin and started to see new ones every day - very small and not in patches, but nerve racking nonetheless. I then started to feel body aches and pains all over, including sharp pain on left side of abdomen and back. I also felt much warmer than normal and was sweating more often, but my temperature was not high. I went to my GP and explained my symptoms and discussed my fears of leukemia. He, of course, said to never google health issues and said it was highly unlikely that I had leukemia, but told me to get my blood work checked to be safe. I've since gotten the results and the key metrics all came back within range: WBC 6.0, RBC 5.06, platelets 225.

This was a big relief...until I started getting night sweats the last 4-5 nights. Not drenched, but I wake up after 3-4h and I'm sweating heavily and the sheets are slightly wet. However I check my temperature and I'm not close to a fever - typically temperature is around 36.5 C. This has re-ignited my fears and got me wondering if my blood can change in 2 weeks. I had myself so worked up that I decided to visit my local walk-in clinic this morning and once again explained everything to them. She felt my neck and armpits for abnormal nodes and said they felt normal, and took my temperature and it was fine. She also looked at my blood results from 2 weeks ago and said they look fine, but suggested I undergo another CBC to make sure nothing was missed.

Now I am on high stress alert again as I am now thinking whether or not my blood results will come back dramatically different than they were 2 weeks ago. Is this possible? Anyone had experience with this kind of fear that can offer some re-assurance? Any help is welcomed.

20-09-17, 21:00
I started getting night sweats the last 4-5 nights. Not drenched, but I wake up after 3-4h and I'm sweating heavily and the sheets are slightly wet.

That's not night sweat. I'm a survivor. I had them... we're talking soaking wet, head to toe, wring out the sheets wet. Scientific tests prove you're fine. Be thankful!

Positive thoughts