View Full Version : bad counsellor?

11-06-07, 14:25
Hello all,

I have just started seeing a new counsellor and she is making me worse. I have GAD and OCD (obsessive thoughts) which ultimately lead to depression. In my first session she was really pushy and kept going on about how many mistakes I'd made. me, being me, has, of course, fixated on this and has left me very anxious and obsessive about my life - in particular my immediate family (husband and parents). Up until my first session with her, I had NEVER doubted anything like my husband in my life - my problems have always been with myself and low self esteem. Since then I've been gradually getting worse and obsessing about things subsequently making myself really scared that all these thoughts must be true [which I don't want them to be].

I've never had a counsellor who makes me feel like this, and in my (albeit) limited experience I was under the impression that counselling should be positive.

Can anyone help me out? Am I right?

11-06-07, 15:24
you are right if you think you are right?

she is a human being not a god, she does not know you!!!

ditch her and find someone who will support you, sometimes we do have to hear some negative stuff as we are ultimately responsible for these thoughts and we CAN control them, but we also need the CORRECT help to learn how to conquer this problem.

my therapist calls counselling mental masturbation and says that they are just stroking you and not getting you to face up to your problems.(doesnt sound like yours is doing this tho!)

ive had counselling and i must say it didnt really help, for me actually dealing in the here and now with the behaviour is much better than trying to WORK it all out.

dont know if im making much sense here, but what i mean is that when you do cbt you dont keep trying to figure out when and why it started(although it can help it can also distract from actually getting on and challenging the behaviour that is keeping these conditions in place) and just get on and do the practice and find out that what you predicted doesnt happen.

im not actually 100% succeeding with this at the mo, and my therapist also said something to me on saturday that upset me! but i know what ive got to do. nobody is ever 'right' theyve got their opinion and you've got yours and a good therapist will KNOW this, mine works with me as an equal, it is MY therapy! (maybe it helps if you pay for it, then the dynamics change i find, you dont have to feel that you are being done a favour, its like anything else you have a right to put your money wherever you want!)

not sure any of this helps but this is how i feel about it.