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View Full Version : local anaesthetic , very scared :(

20-09-17, 21:27
Im having a tooth out tomorrow, i know i should not google this stuff , but i try to prepare myself on what will happen.. Ive had local anesthetic before, an even had a tooth out before.. but im still scared of it ..
In my googling i saw too much of local anesthetic can cause toxicity an can lead to death.. ( i knew i shouldnt of googled this ) this gave me a panic, since last time, the dentist seemed to give me alot of the anesthetic.. i just worry something will go wrong this time ..

au Lait
20-09-17, 21:33
Modern anesthesia is extremely safe and adverse reactions are very rare. You will be fine. :)

20-09-17, 21:48
Thankyou for the reply. Im starting to calm down abit, i think i just needed to vent abit.

20-09-17, 21:49
I ask for the one that doesn't contain Adrenaline - that may help as well.