View Full Version : Nose problems

11-06-07, 14:52
I've had redness and soreness inside one nostril for about 6 weeks now. Some days it looks like it is about to calm down and other days it's worse and hurts even to breathe! I went to the doctor, who put me on two courses of antibiotic cream and then when that didn't help, a course of oral antibiotics. That course finishes tomorrow. They took a swab last week and I'm now been told over the phone that it was negative and they found nothing on the slide.
I am thinking of two things. I have a slight stuffiness in this nostril but nothing major, sometimes I feel pressure in my ears (apparently all sinus/nasal infections affect the ears) and inside the nostril is still red.

As it is not bacterial, could this be a smiple allergy? Of course I am now thinking of nasal cancer which I know is very rare but I am still thinking about it. I've never had hayfever or allergies before - how would they test for this, and does this sound like the symptoms?
Sorry for all the questions. I can't even get an appointment with a doctor to ask them about it (I have to ring again first thing in the morning) so I'm getting a bit worked up as each day goes on and this is not sorted out.
If you can offer some words of encouragement it would really help. :weep:

12-06-07, 10:25
Hiya hun
Sorry to hear your going through a rough patch.
Feeling pressure in your ears is all related to your nose and if you feel you have a stuffy nose that would explain the pressure. They are all related.
Sounds like it maight be an allergic reaction. This can appear out of the blue.
The best thing to do is make another appointment with your GP and explain how your feeling.
Take care hun and let me know how it goes

funky chick
12-06-07, 12:52
hi Joey, hope you will be better soon does sound like you have an infection or an allergy and these can take a little while to clear up have another chat with your doc and im sure he/she will reassure you it will go soon and as you say all tests came back negative.
Take care lots of love and hugs Gail xxxxx:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: