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21-09-17, 10:44
Hi guys, I'm gary, 32 years old, I have been on sertraline for half of my adult life. Back when I was first put on sertraline I accept now that maybe I needed to be on it to get me through the the turbulent time I was going through. I will make another thread going into my story at some point, I'm trying to keep this topic purely on sertraline.

So, I have of late come to the conclusion that I no longer wish to pursue this course of treatment and over the last 6 weeks I have started another anti depressent mirtazapine, which I won't go into on this thread. Basically the consultant told me to taper off my sertraline 150mg to nothing in 2 weeks, then going to mirtazapine 30mg. However I have not been able to stop the sertraline, I have however come down to 25 mg over the last 6 weeks. I take 30mg of mirtazapine before bed.

Over the last few days I have went from 50mg and split my pills to 25mg, however I am now feeling pretty awful, cold and flu like symptoms, anxiety in waves, especially when I am trying to rest/sleep. I feel like a brain fog is coming over me, and like I'm coming down with a fever, it's not great, but I have made the decision to get off this drug and doing so I wanted to share my journey with you, and also maybe find some support from others who are going through similar experiences with this. I am choosing a more holistic approach and have now got a private therapist who will be working with me on cbt and emdr. But I need to get to some stable solid ground before we can start with the emdr as my thoughts are pretty much all over right now.

I would like to be off medication period, and like I mentioned go down the therapy route which wasn't offered to me back when I was 18 and put onto sertraline in the first place. I feel I have matured now and I am ready to do things naturally at some point. Right now the withdrawal is pretty bad, I feel sluggish, lethargic, anxious and just generally unwell, I am still doing my best to keep my days filled and exercise in the gym regularly. The agitation I'm feeling at the moment is horrible, like anything is annoying me, whilst I typed this on my phone, my girlfriends dog jumped up at me and it really annoyed me, like I just feel so snappy.

Any messages and support would be hugely appreciated, and I hope that this message finds those in a similar boat to myself.

Thanks for listening.

21-09-17, 11:02
Hiya Garystealth and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

21-09-17, 11:42
Hi Gary and welcome aboard to NMP just hope you can find the answers you are looking for. while I am not currently on meds I feel the drop from 150mg to '0' in 2 weeks is a bit harsh perhaps gradually taper off over a longer period of time Have you looked at herbal sleeping remedies? I wish you every success on the road to recovery mate :) Cheers