View Full Version : 99 problems but a real diagnosis is not one

21-09-17, 20:10
Hi everyone, my names Luke I am a 28yr old male in the UK and this is my first time using any forum or chat room ever. I do, however, read threads on this website a lot and gain some comfort from you helpful people. I am probably a hypochondriac as I have lived at the doctors for a good 9 years now.

My health anxiety/issues all started with a bout of stomach cramps and diarrhea in December 2008. I was 19 at the time and over time I got used to having cramp, gas, bloating and occasional diarrhea, so your classic IBS symptoms. I also struggled with reflux symptoms alongside the IBS issues, with heartburn, regurgitation, enamel erosion and sore throats. I was sent for a full blood test which showed an abnormally high level of protein in my blood but tis cleared up in future blood tests and was never investigated further. Over the next few yearsI was in and out of the doctors and my doctors suggested IBS and Acid Reflux so I took Lansoprazole 30mg twice daily and Gaviscon when required for a good 7 years until I felt my condition was worsening.

In April 2015, I had an Endoscopy which came back clear, following this I was diagnosed with NERD or Non-Erosive Reflux Disease. I felt better immediately after the procedure, although the symotoms never fully went away. I left it for a year and a half before, I experienced some blood on my stool in November 2016. I went with private healthcare this time as I was a bit fed up with my doctors dismissing my symptoms.

My gastroenterologist treated my IBS and Acid Reflux issues as two different entities and first requested a fecal calprotectin test which came back abnormal - this is usually <50 but mine was 111. This was followed up with a colonoscopy, which also came back clear so I was diagnosed with IBS. In regards to the reflux issues, I was sent for a Hi-Res Manometry to check acidity levels in my stomach. It was eventually discovered that my esophagus muscles were not coordinating properly. 1 in 3 swallows were deemed ineffective regardless of whether I was swallowing food or water. I was subsequently diagnosed with Bolus Dysmotility with no underlying cause. My doctor encouraged me to consume acidic drinks which I had been avoiding for years, as it could aid digestion so I did so.

I was doing ok again until June 2017 when i started to have severe palpitations and chest pains with irregular heartbeat and was rushed to A&E on two occasions although after several ECGs, a blood test and a chest x ray, nothing was found. I have also been having problems with my throat and have a dark red inflamed in my mouth which looks like its going from the roof of my mouth into an exit in the back of my jaw - not sure if this leads to the ear or nose. I have a sore throat every morning. I have shown my dentist and he recommended an ENT specialist although didn't seem concerned. My GP doesn't seem interested either, they prescribed me Avamys for nasal congestion as they suspected post nasal drip, although this has not helped at all.

At the moment I still suffer from palpitations from time to time and the irregular heartbeats but these are being investigated. I have had an echocardiogram and 24 ECG and get my results in the next week. I suffer from a sore throat everytime i sleep and the dark vein is always there in my throat.

It has got to the point where i dont care anymore if i live or die because i am in pain everyday and without a proper diagnosis. I haven't listed all my symptoms because there are too many to list. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing there are other people suffering worse than me which makes me feel lucky and grateful that I'm here. My wife is fed up with me, the doctors fed up with me and i dont really have anywhere to go anymore. Anyway, enough about me. Thanks for reading. :D

21-09-17, 20:19
Hiya LukeAli and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

21-09-17, 20:22
Hi Emmz, thanks for the warm welcome :) i will have a browse around the site to get to grips with it soon i hope

21-09-17, 20:29
Hi Luke,

Nice title. :welcome: aboard the NMP train! This site is definitely the headquarters for anxiety sufferers so I hope you find what you're looking for.