View Full Version : Awful stomach cramps upon waking

22-09-17, 07:42

Wondering if this is IBS or anxiety or what? Every morning, as soon as I wake (I'm talking within 5 seconds of opening my eyes) I'm getting realy strong stomach/intestinal cramps and having to rush to the toilet. If I put my hand on my stomach, I can actually feel my intestines go rock hard and squeeze.
I was having loose poo every morning and and am now controlling it with half an Imodium tablet every day, but it's still quite loose.

This will last a little throughout the morning, sometimes coming badly again 5 mins after going the toilet first thing and having to go yet again.

It's like my intestines sqeeze so hard that they expel everything from my insides in the first 10 minutes of being awake! I'm then usually ok for the rest of the day.

Strangely, it doesn't hurt when I wake up in the night for a wee, only around 6am onwards.
I'm going through a bad anxiety patch and LOTS of personal stress, so I don't know if this is causing it on a subconcious level?
Anyone felt similar or have any reassurance for me? Doctor didnt have a lot to say about it . Thanks

22-09-17, 12:33

22-09-17, 15:27
What’s your diet like? Do you eat a lot in the evenings ?

22-09-17, 16:05
I have this when I eat things I know too well don't sit well with my ibs like pizza, not that I let it stop me but I can predict it coming.

Also if I have to go out for any reason then hit will hit in the morning and probably many times afterwards before I go out.

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22-09-17, 16:27
It doesn't seem to matter if I eat in the evenings or not. If I don't, I tend to get bad acid reflux symptoms from hunger though. It's just weird the way it's as I wake, rather than waking me up. It's like i wake up and it triggers my intestines to wake up. Mornings are my most anxious time so perhaps it's my mind triggering it?

22-09-17, 16:55
It doesn't seem to matter if I eat in the evenings or not. If I don't, I tend to get bad acid reflux symptoms from hunger though. It's just weird the way it's as I wake, rather than waking me up. It's like i wake up and it triggers my intestines to wake up. Mornings are my most anxious time so perhaps it's my mind triggering it?

When I have my worst stomach aches I have to work out if it woke me or I woke then it started. Sometimes that's the only pointer from an actual upset stomach or ibs for me, if it lets me sleep then it's ibs. It would probably be worth a chat with your doctor as they can offer ways to settle the cramps and mass evacuations.

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22-09-17, 17:29
Thanks for the replies.

Dr suggested antacids and antispasmodics. Buscopan works really well but thing is, unless I get up and take them at 4am, they aren't going to help my pains first thing.
When I was on holiday recently and relaxed, I barely had any pain.

23-09-17, 17:42
Thanks for the replies.

Dr suggested antacids and antispasmodics. Buscopan works really well but thing is, unless I get up and take them at 4am, they aren't going to help my pains first thing.
When I was on holiday recently and relaxed, I barely had any pain.

I think your last sentence tells all about this situation your in :)

Positive vibes,


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23-09-17, 18:16
Thanks, Mighty Mouse. If only I could tell my anxiety that. I literally feel anxiety running through my body like electricity in the mornings. Fun times ;)