View Full Version : Dehydration

22-09-17, 08:41
It just seems to be one thing after another lately, I'm so tired of it.

I'm not very good at staying hydrated, I know this. Over the last week, I've had a consistent throbbing in the side of my head and a weird feeling in my nose/above my teeth which I usually put down to sinuses. I'd gone through a particularly bad patch of not drinking enough (like I'd go a whole day just drinking a couple of cups of water) and so for the last few days I've been trying to rectify that.

But the tightness in my head is still there AND I've had the worst breakout I can remember having in years. I had four spots show up on one side of my mouth and then woke up this morning with a giant lump on the other side of my chin for what will be another cluster of spots. Is this a purge from the water? Or something else? Does it take a while for a dehydrated body to readjust?

I've also been getting nausea but can't tell if that's from stressing about this or what. I'm worried that it's a brain thing or a terrible sinus issue. I have a doctor's appointment booked for next week but would like some idea before then.