View Full Version : Heart Rate

22-09-17, 17:15
Does anyone else get really worried by their heart rate?
I've had health anxiety for years and it has always caused my blood pressure and pulse to be high when checked but I thought I had it conquered.
My pulse was 80 back in march at my new patient health check up and that was when I was feeling a little nervous.
Now I am 27 weeks pregnant and every midwife appointment I have had they have commented my pulse has been fast.
Last week I went up to the hospital because I was having some discomfort and breathlessness (turned out to just be where baby has gone up higher)and my pulse was 122 so they did an ecg (came out normal but was very short ecg) and wouldn't let me go until it had gone down to 100.

I then went to see my dr the other day and told him that sometimes I am having a racing heart and that the midwives have commented on it at appointments and he did some blood tests which all came back normal. He said my heart rate seems to sit at around 100 that he thinks when it is higher it is likely because I am anxious and also because your heart beats faster when pregnant.
I have an app on my phone (it does work as the dr got me to compare it to his pulse thing at the same time) and I have had readings from 86 to 167!
I find my pulse sits between 86 and 110 when I am just sat there but surely 110 is way too fast for sitting down?
The 167 was when I was walking fast up a very long steep hill to get to my car but I thought that seemed awfully high.
Sometimes when I'm just walking around I test my pulse and its about 120.

I'm just really scared something is wrong with my heart and that something will go wrong in labour because of it :-(

22-09-17, 17:25
Mine was so high when pregnant. My resting rate was 140 in hospital once (I'm scared of hospitals). Heart rate is normally higher in pregnant women, too.

22-09-17, 17:28
Thank you for replying. I'm just worried it will get out of control when I'm in labour xxx

22-09-17, 20:16
It won't and it will be the last thing you will be thinking about x

22-09-17, 21:04
Your heart rate can quite comfortably be elevated during times such as pregnancy...even in the summer, due to the heat you'll notice your HR is at least 10 beats a minute higher than it is in cooler weather :) Remember your max HR is generally 220 beats - your age and you are NOWHERE near that! You'll be fine :hugs: It's hard work growing a tiny human! I know of a woman who wore a Fitbit during her recent pregnancy and her HR was 120 one day and she's all good and healthy, as is her little one!

23-09-17, 05:41
With each one of my pregnancies I knew I was pregnant the moment I would feel that my heart was beating a little faster. If the normal is 60-100, 40 the lowest for athletes. Then a slight increase would not be much. (Doctor said up to 135 you can expect ur heart rate to increase)Your blood volume increases. So what do u think will happen?
And you seem to really know your heart rates so another thing is if the doctor didn't recommend it (heart rate monitor) don't use it. It just caused heart rate to go up.

Stick to your appointments, ask about all your concerns.