View Full Version : Yellow Stool, Diarrhea, Anxiety coming back

23-09-17, 02:14
Hey all,

It has been a while since I've been on this forum. Last fall I had a pretty intense battle with anxiety and have worked hard to eliminate my unhealthy anxiety. I have been largely successful. I am concerned my anxiety is returning.

In may I took a prescribed clindamycin antibiotic as per my doctor's suggestion. It was absolutely disastrous for my digestive system. Since then I have been having funky bowel movements largely soft or diarrhea when I have fatty or spicy foods. In particular my stools are almost always yellow after something like pizza.

Here I am falling back into old habits. Has this ever happened to someone? Some advice would be much appreciated.

23-09-17, 04:02
Yeah that happens to me anytime I have to take antibiotics for sinusitis or whatever else I got going on. I couldn't tell you exactly why that happens after taking antibiotics, but it seems to be a common thing with most people.

It has something to do with the antibiotics killing off the good bacteria along with the bad bacteria in your stomach and colon. They're like mini nukes for your body, wiping everything out just to be sure to kill every single bad bacteria. Lol.

Anyway, your suppose to eat plenty of stuff like yogurt with Probiotics to replenish the good bacteria in your stomach\colon from which the antibiotics destroyed. I think they're suppose to help keep the side effects like your experiencing right now to a minimum. They never seemed to have helped me all that much, but that' just me and eventually the side effects like that went away for me over time.