View Full Version : Candida

23-09-17, 11:14
Hello everyone.
Just thought I would share my story to date to see if anyone else experienced this or know what's happening. I can be a very anxious person and since these symptoms started 8 weeks ago it's on my mind constantly.

anyway, the end of June I was put on a short dose of antibiotics for a sinus infection I had after a holiday abroad.
shortly after (couple weeks) I started getting a really uncomfortable tummy, toilet habits all fine and the pain was manageable however it persisted for about a week and a half. at this point I was googling and working my anxiety up.
before and during this my eating habits weren't the best. caffeine, fizzy drink, chocolate and sweet in take up etc.

after a short weekend away out if know where I suddenly had acid rise, it burnt my mouth and nose for a couple of days. this sent my anxiety into over drive...following this I was breathing acid fumes. the doctors didn't seem at all concerned and blamed it all on stress and anxiety.

after this all dies down I was convinced I have LPR (silent reflux). although I wasn't experiencing burning etc I had a holding irritated throat, sometimes nose and this has gone on since. I googled it to death and omg convinced I had this incurable disease back to the docs I went. they gave me a low dose of PPI acid blocking drugs and I reluctantly only took 2. but these 2 gave me awful side effects so decided to try and deal naturally.

I've made drastic diet changes. nothing processed for 7 weeks now.. only water, veg, certain fruits and lean meats. no gluten either but still this mild throat ache and irritation still here.

anyway during all of this the one thing I noticed (but put down to silent reflux) was a thick white coating on my tongue - more towards the back. after researching it seems very apparent I could have Candida...i have a fair few of the symptoms actually. I popped into a couple of pharmacies whilst in town and they confirmed it too. I got an oral gel to apply which they recommended. anyway whilst at the doctors yesterday for my daughter's app I asked him to take a look and he said it wasn't?!?! useless!!

I'm convinced I have. even did the spit test this morning a x immediately my spit went very peculiar and almost grew legs...i know this is a 100% test but I was intrigued.

My thoughts for this whole ordeal is...

after going through 2 years of shear stress (major family issues), being pregnant, traumatic birth, bringing up 2 children combined with scrappy food, antibiotics I'm thinking I've caused an upset in my tummy and overgrowth of bad bacteria. I'm kinda hoping that the bad guys were creating gas etc which in turn push up reflux...and I'm now left with oral thrush. my mouth does feel irritated.

does this sound like I could be right? my doctors are absolutely useless and offer to advice.

I managed to convince them to carry out some bloods which I will get the results for next week.


22-10-17, 22:16
Going through something similar myself x