View Full Version : CT Scans and Cancer Risk

23-09-17, 16:11
I've had maybe 5 CT scans in my life. One was as a child, to check for appendicitis, so my whole abdomen was involved. The rest were as an adult - another of my abdomen/pelvis, one of my chest, and two of my head.

The two head ones were done in the same year, in 2014, maybe a month or so apart. The first was just a CT for headaches, and the 2nd one was a CTA of the brain with contrast, because an MRA after the first CT showed a brain aneurysm - which turned out to be wrong, and just an artifact of the MRA. No joke. The thing is, all of these scans were ultimately normal. I didn't need them.

I read an article about radiation and CT scans the other day, and have been devastated and panicking ever since. It said that these scans increase the risk of cancer, especially brain cancer and leukemia. I am now terrified of having or getting a terminal brain tumor, like a glioma, from my 2 head scans. I've read everything about it now, how few treatment options, how grim the survival time and prognosis. I look at my spouse and cry, feeling like I took away our future by having these scans. I'm 27. I was 24 when I got the head scans. I wanted children and a life. I only got the scans to make sure everything was okay, not to make things worse. If I had known, I never would've gotten them, but now, it's too late. I can't go back and not have the scans. I am so absolutely terrified and feel doomed. My chest is tight, I can't enjoy the present, thinking I've ruined the future. I keep wondering if I already have one growing, or when it will grow. I was wondering if anyone else has had these kinds of scans at a young age and turned out okay? I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge of this, any reassurance? All I've seen is that, yes, it increases risk, but the risk is still low - but, do statistics really matter, because the scans either irreparably damaged my DNA, or they didn't. I don't get why doctors don't warn you of these risks before administering CTs. I would have just had another MRI if I really needed a screening. I am so in need of help. I am so scared...I know it's selfish, because no one does, but I don't want to die early. I want to have my family...After reading about gliomas, I have the faces of all these people who died of it in my head, from their stories online...how they wanted a family, too, how they wanted to be with their spouses...And, I went and got CT scans and ruined everything...

23-09-17, 16:21
I'm a Stage IV Head and Neck cancer survivor. Guess what I was treated with? Yep... Radiation (and chemo). I had radiation treatments 5 days a week for 6 weeks. 30 treatments. Enough radiation to burn the skin off my neck and turn my mouth and throat into a hot red mess rendering me barely able to swallow or eat (was on a feeding tube for a month afterwards). AND... before each treatment, I had a CT scan to help aim the radiation to hit the areas it needed to hit. Not to mention the countless x-rays, CT scans with and w/o contrast, PET scans and such prior to treatment and throughout my life.

All that and there's no documented case of cancer that can be attributed to CT scans and you can put that fear away totally.

Positive thoughts

25-09-17, 01:51
I'm a Stage IV Head and Neck cancer survivor. Guess what I was treated with? Yep... Radiation (and chemo). I had radiation treatments 5 days a week for 6 weeks. 30 treatments. Enough radiation to burn the skin off my neck and turn my mouth and throat into a hot red mess rendering me barely able to swallow or eat (was on a feeding tube for a month afterwards). AND... before each treatment, I had a CT scan to help aim the radiation to hit the areas it needed to hit. Not to mention the countless x-rays, CT scans with and w/o contrast, PET scans and such prior to treatment and throughout my life.

All that and there's no documented case of cancer that can be attributed to CT scans and you can put that fear away totally.

Positive thoughts

Thank you for your answer. I'm so glad to hear you're doing well in spite of all you've experienced. You're an inspiration, truly. May I ask how long ago this all was? I've seriously become obsessed with this. The things is, I'm able to recognize that I bounce from one fear to another, usually in response to health articles that I come across on Facebook, etc., but it's so hard to talk myself down when there's any kind of logical basis to my fears. For instance, this is bothering me so much that I emailed some of the study authors and research websites who said ct scans raise the risk, in desperate search of some kind of reassurance, but of course, they're all just like, "I can't say it doesn't increase it, but the risk is low." I don't want an increased risk for something like a glioma at all, though! Some places say it takes just 5 years to develop, others say 10-15...I am terrified...I feel doomed, like it's destined to happen, because I had 2 head CTs just a few months apart, one a CTA, which is supposed to be worse...And, I was so young....I want someone to be like, yeah, no, we were wrong, radiation doesn't cause this, at least not doses you'd get from a CT. I'm driving my family crazy...I keep looking at them and crying, thinking I've ruined our future by getting scans. I don't know how to feel better. I'm losing my mind. I keep wondering if I already have one, growing, or if my mutated DNA is just waiting...I keep wondering how many years I have...it's already been 3 since the scans...It's so awful...Do you really think i'm okay?

25-09-17, 05:29
I'm almost 5 years out. I have my last appointments in Feb. of next year and I'll be discharged as a patient and considered "cured". Up until that day, I'm considered "cancer free". It's a pretty big deal considering I was Stage IV with an unknown primary which is only about 1-2% of all Head and Neck cancers. Only around 50% make it past 5 years.

Ok... this fear. I can point out all the holes pretty easy in your thoughts here. You said:

I emailed some of the study authors and research websites who said ct scans raise the risk, in desperate search of some kind of reassurance, but of course, they're all just like, "I can't say it doesn't increase it, but the risk is low." I don't want an increased risk for something like a glioma at all, though!

There it is in a nutshell. Lack of total control. That's the big part. The other part is what raises an eyebrow. Why this incredibly small risk that's not been proven be the focus of your need to control it? It's less risk than sun exposure, eating heavily processed foods, smoking, HPV and the list can go on and on. Even real life situations carry more risk... car accidents, falls, crossing the street etc.

Learning to live with life's uncertainties is a big part of being happy. In the midst of life's challenges, it's human nature to have moments of doubt and uncertainty. Having faced what I have in my life, I know this intimately. When you recognize that each day, each moment is precious and a blessing, you begin to live, and by living, we put away the uncertainties. Read what's in my signature. Take it to heart. It doesn't get any more real then that!

Positive thoughts

26-09-17, 18:09
Thank you for all of this. You're definitely right on about the lack of control - I am terrified of everything I can't control, especially early or sudden death. It's not easy to shake these fears when the Internet is so filled with scary statistics.

01-10-17, 07:45
I'm a Stage IV Head and Neck cancer survivor. Guess what I was treated with? Yep... Radiation (and chemo). I had radiation treatments 5 days a week for 6 weeks. 30 treatments. Enough radiation to burn the skin off my neck and turn my mouth and throat into a hot red mess rendering me barely able to swallow or eat (was on a feeding tube for a month afterwards). AND... before each treatment, I had a CT scan to help aim the radiation to hit the areas it needed to hit. Not to mention the countless x-rays, CT scans with and w/o contrast, PET scans and such prior to treatment and throughout my life.

All that and there's no documented case of cancer that can be attributed to CT scans and you can put that fear away totally.

Positive thoughts
Having said that, doctors DO warn parents before giving their child an abdomnal CT scan that it could increase their risks of developing cancer in the future and ask for their consent and signature before the scan. This is because kids are still developing. For adults its not as risky but everything carries a risk these days

01-10-17, 11:53
Having said that, doctors DO warn parents before giving their child an abdomnal CT scan that it could increase their risks of developing cancer in the future and ask for their consent and signature before the scan. This is because kids are still developing. For adults its not as risky but everything carries a risk these days

And you sign a similar document for being put under for a dental procedure and just about anything else that carries even the slightest risk. Ever listen to drug commercials? "_____ will help your IBS symptoms" (may cause increased risk of cancer and anal leakage!).

I stand strongly behind my statement and you're right... everything carries a risk these days.

Positive thoughts

01-10-17, 14:38
Have a read of this - it is comparing radiation from scans with flying.
