View Full Version : exhaustion and weakness

cathy s
23-09-17, 17:42
Hi, I am on week 5 of 20mg of citalopram and last week, after spending a lot of time relaxing on the sofa I was feeling better and getting on with some normal chores. Suddenly at the beginning of this week I became exhausted again and anxiety became much worse. After 6 days I am getting calmer again but am still so exhausted and feel weak. I have been doing low energy activities, relaxation and some exercise (not overdoing it). I guess I'm wondering how everyone else has dealt with exhaustion and weakness/relapses in the early stages of recovery? I find these symptoms cause me a lot of anxiety. I know the meds might take 6-8 weeks to work. I also am trying to keep positive and patient. It would be nice to have some reassurance though, that things are normal under the circumstances!

24-09-17, 09:03
Hi cfarr

Its absolutely normal to be feeling this way, and you will improve.

Have a look at Dr Claire Weekes books. I find them invaluable. She explains in great detail what the anxiety state throws at us, and ways to overcome your fears anxieties.

I hope you feel lots better soon :)

cathy s
24-09-17, 09:53
Thank you for your reply! I have her books, they're great but i forget the advise! So I'm grateful to you for reminding me! I have a tendency to fear tiredness because it makes it such an effort to get on. But i will try to accept it and be a little active when i can and do relaxing activities.

Hope you are well x

25-09-17, 07:32
Hi again.

yes, it can feel like you are trying to walk through treacle in the early stages of anxiety and specially before the medication kicks in. I´m so glad you have the books I recommended, put a bookmark in the relevant pages and then you can read and reread whatever applies to you. I also forget what the advice is almost as soon as I have read it when my anxiety is bad.
2 things that helped me a ton in my last bad phase was attending to the seedlings I was growing, it wasn´t at all taxing but did take my mind of the anxiety eventually, even though I had to force myself into doing anything. Also I would walk my neighbours dog. I cant tell you how beneficial that was , I would feel like death when I set off, but absolutely normal when I returned home. I had beautiful countryside to walk in and it was so peaceful, so that and focusing on the dogs antics really drew me out of the fearful state I was in.

Hope you feel a lot better soon :hugs:

25-09-17, 12:11
Hi, I am on week 5 of 20mg of citalopram and last week, after spending a lot of time relaxing on the sofa I was feeling better and getting on with some normal chores. Suddenly at the beginning of this week I became exhausted again and anxiety became much worse. After 6 days I am getting calmer again but am still so exhausted and feel weak. I have been doing low energy activities, relaxation and some exercise (not overdoing it). I guess I'm wondering how everyone else has dealt with exhaustion and weakness/relapses in the early stages of recovery? I find these symptoms cause me a lot of anxiety. I know the meds might take 6-8 weeks to work. I also am trying to keep positive and patient. It would be nice to have some reassurance though, that things are normal under the circumstances!

who to say you may need 40mg, 20mg therapeutic 40mg if needed, escitalopram or Lexapro has its real name 10mg therapeutic 20mg booster:wacko:

cathy s
28-09-17, 13:31
Thanks for your responses x

---------- Post added at 13:31 ---------- Previous post was at 13:26 ----------

Update (for those wanting reasurance like i did!) - after speaking to a doctor who said it was definitely best to keep busy, I rise on waking, telling myself what i'm grateful for, I get dressed right away and out for a walk - very short but better than nothing! Then I make breakfast while stretching a little and have meds. Do some work in the garden (anything - it's good just to be out) or housework if it's wet. Then i'll let myself rest with a book/ embroidery/ drawing/ wordsearch/ soduko. This routine makes me feel much better and aproach my recovery much more positively! Heck I was just resting for the first few weeks so the fact i'm getting on with things now is very positive but i need reminding of this. I tell myself (instead of expecting anxiety) look for calm and recognise when the windows of feeling well appear and enjoy them, I know these will get bigger and bigger. There will be setbacks which will feel bad in contrast to feeling well again but they will deminish in time. I hope this post gives hope. Best wishes for your journey x