View Full Version : Citalopram and relationships

Losing it
23-09-17, 19:35
Hey , just wondering if anyone had any bad experiences with citalopram and relationship troubles? As in suddenly feeling like it's not what u want or just not caring anymore when previously happy , emotional blunting ? Feeling numb ? Would be interested to hear off anyone that felt like this x

23-09-17, 22:04
You're obviously aware of "emotional blunting" - is this how you feel? I've been on loads of ADs and find they all produce a degree of blunting by reducing the emotional highs and lows, making you feel somewhat meh.

When you feel numb you start to doubt and question relationships, but the change is in you, not others.

Losing it
24-09-17, 08:06
Hi thankyou for your reply , yes I've read up a lot on it I'm no longer on the tabs and now looking back at my time on them and listening to my partner I can see how much they did affect my attitude towards well everything really . I've always been the quiet type afraid to say no or upset anyone would never speak my mind etc for fear of saying the wrong thing or hurting someone's feelings however the emotional numbness from the tabs changed all that and I became somewhat selfish in a way and more distant from my partner I just didn't care �� The tabs did their job as in suppressing the anxiety symptoms but almost at the cost of my relationship �� I've joined this site as I've decided I never want to go down the medication route again so am looking for other ways to deal with my anxiety x

24-09-17, 11:22
If you want to go down the non-med route, NMP recommends a free CBT programme. The vids are very good and you can go at your own pace. Well done for coming off the meds (not always easy) and hope you continue in your recovery.


Losing it
24-09-17, 12:02
Thankyou and brill il take a look ��X

24-09-17, 12:59
It's not the meds it's you....