View Full Version : Vision problems, brain tumour worries

24-09-17, 08:45
I worried about a brain tumour before Christmas last year and that worry went on for a few months. A couple of other worries took over, now I'm back in full blown BT mode.
I woke up in the night and couldn't focus on the digital numbers on my clock. They looked blury and like they were moving. I went to the loo and my vision was ok but when I came back to bed the clock still looked the same. I'm terrified I was having a simple partial seizure that was affecting my vision. I've been stressing about this for a while as I have had some blurring of my vision etc.
I've just started Sertraline for my anxiety and so far it's making it worse but I'm only on day seven.

24-09-17, 09:59
I worried about a brain tumour before Christmas last year and that worry went on for a few months. A couple of other worries took over, now I'm back in full blown BT mode.

I woke up in the night and couldn't focus on the digital numbers on my clock. They looked blury and like they were moving. I went to the loo and my vision was ok but when I came back to bed the clock still looked the same. I'm terrified I was having a simple partial seizure that was affecting my vision. I've been stressing about this for a while as I have had some blurring of my vision etc.

I've just started Sertraline for my anxiety and so far it's making it worse but I'm only on day seven.

Honestly if I could some how take a picture of what I can see when I first wake up you would be shocked at how little I can focus on and my eyes are fine. And I definitely do not have a tumour.
The world doesn't truly come into focus for some time with me especially looking at something electronic.

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24-09-17, 16:31
Thanks, I'm worried that it didn't improve even when I'd got up and gone to the bathroom. When I woke up the second time at about 5am it was back to normal. Can't get it out of my mind, especially as I've had other visual stuff going on. I do hope I get some relief from Sertraline, I feel like I'm going crazy.