View Full Version : Worries about everything

24-09-17, 11:12
Sorry before I start for a long post but I feel I am just about broken - at beginning of May i come down with a nasty viral chest infection that was not shifted with antibiotics and it lasted for about 10 weeks and immediately after this I got shingles around my hip which was extremely painful - well since then I had what I thought was a severe outbreak of psoriasis on the tops of my hands and a rash that came up in the sun on arms which is still really dry and I cannot get it to go - anyway the skin rash on hands has turned into thick burning like hard skin and feels like I am being stung constantly by bees - I have been back and forth to dr who have referred me to dermatologist but it is a long wait for appointment - anyway I got them to take blood last Monday because I got it into my head that I had lymphoma/leukemia and this they did and results come back all ok apart from slightly raised liver enzymes - anyway I am constantly on pain with hands and feel I am shaking all the time and now think I have lung cancer because I am smoking far too much and making me cough - and now I feel both shoulders ache - I am feeling like I am dying and nobody is doing anything to stop this - can’t sleep and not eating because I feel totally wired and therefore have lost weight which I am saying is cancer related - anyone help???

24-09-17, 16:47
Someone?? I’m driving everyone mad with my constant worrying x

24-09-17, 16:52
From what you describe, the dermatologist is the best bet. Until then, do what you can to get some relief. Anti itch creams etc. do wonders for some situations.

I want to address your fear of lung cancer and the fact you smoke. You know what you need to do! I'm a survivor and former smoker. I speak truth on this issue.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts