View Full Version : Can’t settle if it tiring an errand etc

24-09-17, 15:07
Hi, this is my first post and feel a bit silly opening up to strangers .
I’ve never done anything like this so here goes ..

I don’t know if everybody with SA or similar has the same feelings but I get irritated if I know I got to go local shop for say milk , writing this down and reading it back is making me giggle as it sounds so pathetic! My irritation is way off scale if I’ve got to do something major ( not a major activity to ‘normal ‘ people) like go town to go clothes shopping but once I’m actually there I’m fine ! And I’m not irritated if I was going with my sister I just hate doing it alone !

I’ve not got a single friend and don’t want to change that as I have my daughter and family but my sister is making me feel like a freak ! She points out a lot that I never go any where and that I’m sad , my mum says I shouldn’t let it bother me but I’m very sensitive !

I’m rambling now just like I feel my mind is one big jumble of mess ! I don’t know how to be normal and not irritatable (sp) any more.

( I now also feel like I’ve bored you guys haha!)

Sorry for this junk of a post and if no replies I totally get it lol! Thank you

24-09-17, 21:09
I understand the no friends whatsoever thing, I have a very small inner circle consisting of family members so that's all relatable to an introvert like me.

You sound like you don't enjoy routine, practical tasks like chores, shopping etc...? and would prefer to do be doing something with meaning attached to it.

I sometimes find things a struggle. Like you said, the anticipation is so much worse than actually doing the thing. Sometimes it's like I'm a kid who has to do all these boring grown-up things! But I'm realizing that balance is needed because those practical things do eventually link up and fit in to the meaningful bigger picture so (unfortunately) they are necessary :)

24-09-17, 22:09
Hi thanks for the reply :)

You know you hit the nail on the head ! Your word have put things into perspective thank you

25-09-17, 17:44
I'm glad you came to the right place :)

27-11-17, 10:35
I understand completely. Simply put, if it makes you uncomfortable, don't bother doing it. Do things in your own time, if that means going to places when they are less busy.